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Invalid key 'Retained' message
VB5 / VB6
Open an Oracle ODBC database using ADO and list the records in a table (3K)
Experiment with color transformations on a color wheel (7K)
Compress a text date of the form DD-MM-YYYY into three bytes (4K)
Make an alarm notification application (in Romanian) (7K)
Use a one-time pad to encipher and decipher text (3K)
(VB.NET) Make a permanent image that you do not need to redraw in the Paint event handler (6K)
(VB.NET) Draw an image on a form whenever the form paints or resizes (6K)
Make a list of favorite Web links (55K)
Make circular forms jump all over the screen (12K)
Save and restore settings in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE part of the registry (4K)
(VB.NET) Draw random circles on a form (5K)
Get an application's class name (2K)
Draw a bar graph (6K)
Make the computer search a maze (6K)
Read values from an INI file using a class (4K)
Display file copy progress using an associated server program (7K)
Drag items from one list to another (5K)
Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet (14K)
Resize controls when their from resizes (3K)
Save and restore a user-defined type quickly (3K)
Compare string operations (6K)
Display a one-to-many relationship in a database using the Data control (13K)
Let the user moves items from one FlexGrid control to another (9K)
Use the Microsoft Scripting Control (3K)
Tile an MDIForm's background (6K)
Start the system's screen saver (2K)
Search for values in a FlexGrid control and sort it by columns (5K)
Draw using a "bristly brush" (18K)
Calculate the number of years, months, days, etc. between two dates (5K)
Calculate the difference between two dates or count down (3K)
Create shortcuts on the desktop or in the Start menu (3K)
Save and restore FlexGrid column widths (2K)
Convert VB6 projects to VB5 projects easily (2K)
Open a file using the application appropriate for its extension (.doc, .txt, .htm, etc.) (3K)
Time the Count the Mondays contest entries (12K)
Routines for type casting (2K)
Display textual drag icons easily (4K)
Find the system's color depth (bits per pixel) (2K)
Initialize the random number generator in a very "random" way (6K)
Make the WebBrowser control print (3K)
Color FlexGrid entries greater than a certain value (9K)
Drag items from one position in a list to another (3K)
Parse a delimited string using a parser class (4K)
Copy the desktop pattern onto a form (2K)
Convert VB source code into HTML code (4K)
Find records in a database (7K)
Sort the lines in a file (4K)
Run a program redirecting its output to a file (2K)
Search a directory for a file using a class (5K)
Retrieve stock quotes from the Web (3K)
Quickly view graphic files (by James Rushing) (297K)
Display a directory hierarchy using a TreeView control (6K)
Activate an MDI child form from code (2 K)
Randomize a 2-dimensional array (3K)
VB4 / VB5 / VB6
Change the height of a ComboBox's dropdown area (2K)
Remove the selected items from a multi-selection ListBox (2K)
Select a color with red, green, and blue scroll bars (2K)
Make a slightly enhanced maze game (4K)
"Lock" the computer until the user types a password (5K)
Make a simple maze game (3K)
Build a calculator (4K)
Use Windows messages to read the choices in a ComboBox (2K)
Save and restore a ComboBox from a file (2K)
Trigger an event at 5, 10, 15, ... minutes after the hour (3K)
Make a ComboBox's dropdown area wider than its text area (2K)
Use BitBlt, StretchBlt, and PaintPicture and compare their speeds (19K)
PaintPicture takes roughly 10 times as long!
Display a Web document in the system's default browser (2K)
Change the TextBox cursor blink rate (2K)
Draw a black and white bitmap using SetBitmapBits and save the results to a file (2K)
Hide a form's menu bar (2K)
Change the background color of text in an Rich Text Box (7K)
Make a simple search form for a RichTextBox (4K)
See what word the mouse is over in a RichTextBox (3K)
This is a link to a Visual Basic Function that converts Rich Text to HTML
Automatically build Web pages (28K)
Encipher text, part 2 (6K)
Make the Haunted Maze game (55K)
Save an icon file in 1, 4, 8, or 24 bit color (7K)
Convert a number into binary, hex, and octal (4K)
(Updated) Convert a number into binary (3K)
Call a Visual Basic DLL to process an ASP request (4K)
(Updated) Animate a complex moving object (70K)
Convert a number into binary (3K)
Let a client program get an instance to an object running in another executable (6K)
Let the user grab part of the screen and save it in a JPEG file (26K)
Fill a large area one pixel at a time using the SetBitmapPixels routine (6K)
(VB.NET) Fill a large area one pixel at a time using a Bitmap object in VB.NET (3K)
Unzip a bunch of Zip files in separate directories (4K)
Winner for ActiveX Control Contest (80K)
Join two tables in different databases (10K)
Solution to Web mining contest (293K)
Manage MDI children using a toolbar (4K)
Make an Explorer-like display of files (7K)
Make the "LGame" (10K)
Display text with a toggleable icon next to each line (like setting break points in VB) (15K)
Make a "Spot Game" (8K)
Write an Excel file without using Excel (48K)
Send data to currently running instance using same executable (8K)
Use a small map window to let the user view a larger picture (26K)
Read a menu structure given its window handle (6K)
Print text files from a Web page (9K)
Make a graphing calculator (15K)
Use a subclassing class to hook Windows messages (7K)
Make a sorted collection class (4K)
Make an improved button control (13K)
Make a "transparent" form (9K)
Make a button class that shows its borders only when the mouse is over it (6K)
Solve the equation SEND + MORE = MONEY (4K)
Make buttons display the picture under them (18K)
Manage menus in an MDI application, approach 1 (5K)
Manage menus in an MDI application, approach 2 (5K)
Make a form shaped around hollow text and a PictureBox (10K)
Use resource files (127K)
Find regular expressions in text (4K)
Make a TextBox accept only digits (3K)
Print a TreeView control's data (4K)
Find a window using part of its title string (4K)
Use objects to handle errors, profiling, and cursors (5K)
Display rotated text on top of a picture (19K)
A pong game (6K)
Display thumbnails and view pictures (19K)
Make a Web server program (15K)
Save a bitmap into a .ico file (6K)
Simulate a dot matrix scrolling text (7K)
Start a program inside another program's MDI form (3K)
Make a ping pong program (160K)
Find all ways to pick N out of M items (3K)
Animate an icon and put a form in the system tray (6K)
Play CD, Wave, and Midi files with volume control (9K)
Provide print preview for RTF files (20K)
Reference properties by name in controls you build (3K)
Work with transparent and translucent images (18K)
Write Excel files directly without using Excel (45K)
Download stock quotes from (7K)
Overlay an image on another using a simple mask (5K)
Watch a file or directory for changes (5K)
Create a metafile (3K)
Provide a Web search page using the Pauper's Search Engine (5K)
Create a singleton object within a single project (3K)
Create a singleton object using a server project (4K)
Start a program inside another (3K)
Redirect a program's standard input and output (99K)
Execute commands in a console window (3K)
Draw a custom menu (by Sami Samhuri) (5K)
Allen Copeland's ComboPack demonstrate lots of useful techniques (40K)
Make another graphics viewer using a different interface (9K)
Build master/detail records using an auto-incremented key (8K)
Control another application (CompuServe) (3K)
Get multiple counts from a single SQL statement (6K)
Allow the user to customize a toolbar (5K)
Give MDI child forms different toolbars (7K)
Save and restore a TreeView from a file (7K)
Tell when an application is activated or deactivated (2K)
Know when a ComboBox is about to drop down (3K)
Maximize another application (3K)
Kill another application (3K)
Add an About dialog to the system menu and create menus at run time (5K)
(VB4 only) Draw rotated text on the printer (3K)
Encipher text (3K)
Resize a multi-line TextBox to make all lines visible (2K)
Start another program and wait until it finishes (2K)
Make a CompuServe mailing list (2K)
Build a screen saver (5K)
Draw on an MDI parent form's background (2K)
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