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TitleDataForm Wizard has trouble with the bit data type
KeywordsNET, DataForm Wizard, bit data type, CurrencyManager, BindingContext, add new records
CategoriesBug Alerts
Fred Gravel reported this bug.

I created a skeleton Data Form using the Data Form wizard in VB.Net. The data loads just fine, but the problem is with the add button.

It seems like the dataset creates a new record when the button is clicked, but doesn't move to it. The form is still set to the first record in the dataset. I have tried just about everything I can think of including the following, immediatly after the "addnew" command in the "addbutton_click" event:

dim x as integer = Me.BindingContext(objdsWorkOrder, _
Me.BindingContext(objdsWorkOrder, "WorkOrders").Position = _
I have a SQL table called "WorkOrders" set up with the following fields:

    nItemID varchar 12 allow nulls=yes
    stFileName nvarchar 50 allow nulls=no
    nChargeStatus bit 1 allow nulls=no

I just can't get the dataform to set up for a new record entry!!!!!! Any Ideas ???

What's frustrating is, that, I've another form created the same way with a different table that works great. I can't see any differences other than table & field names

[Fortunately Fred solved his own problem with the help of Pat Carden.]

It turns out that either the dataset or the dataform wizard has a problem with the "BIT" type. One of the fields in my table was set to this and when I changed it to "integer" type and re-built the dataform, it worked just fine.

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