Title | Load and sort a CSV file by using ADO |
Description | This example shows how to load and sort a CSV file by using ADO in Visual Basic 6. It uses the Microsoft Text Driver to execute an an SQL SELECT statement that selects records from the file and sorts them. |
Keywords | CSV, sort, ADO, database, data |
Categories | Database, Files and Directories |
Thanks to James Hansen.
To select the data, the program opens an ADO connection using the Microsoft Text Driver. The connection string tells the driver what directory it will work from. The SQL SELECT statement can then treat CSV files as if they were tables.
The code selects records from the file and orders them. It displays the results in a ListBox.
Private Sub cmdLoad_Click()
Dim Cn1 As ADODB.Connection
Dim Rs1 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim iSQLStr As String
Dim field_num As Integer
Set Cn1 = New ADODB.Connection
Cn1.ConnectionString = _
"Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};" & _
"DefaultDir=" & txtDir.Text
lstResults.Visible = False
iSQLStr = "Select * FROM " & txtFile.Text & _
" ORDER BY " & txtField.Text
field_num = CInt(txtField.Text) - 1
Set Rs1 = Cn1.Execute(iSQLStr)
While Not Rs1.EOF
If IsNull(Rs1.Fields(field_num).Value) Then
lstResults.AddItem "<null>"
lstResults.AddItem Rs1.Fields(field_num).Value
End If
lstResults.Visible = True
End Sub