Title | Animate a series of images stored in a PictureClip control and display blocking and non-blocking message boxes |
Description | This example shows how to animate a series of images stored in a PictureClip control and display blocking and non-blocking message boxes in Visual Basic 6. |
Keywords | PictureClip, animate, animation, Timer, blobk, MessageBox, MsgBox |
Categories | Controls, Multimedia |
Thanks to Dipak Auddy.
When you click the Start button, the code enables the tmrAm Timer control. That control's event handler displays the next image in the PictureClip control.
Private Sub tmrAm_Timer()
CI = CI + 1
If CI = 18 Then
CI = 0
End If
picAm.Picture = PC.GraphicCell(CI)
End Sub
When you click the "Show MsgBox (Normal)" button, the program displays a message by using MsgBox. That blocks the animation until you dismiss the message box.
When you click the "Show MsgBox (API)" button, the program uses the following code to display a message box. The call to the MessageBox SPI function does not stop the animation from running.
Private Sub cmdShowMsgBoxAPI_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Assert "TESTDEBUG"
'<:-) :SUGGESTION: Code used to generate data only for
' Debug should be removed from final code.
If Err.Number = 0 Then
' Runtime variant
vbExclamation, "Message From PicClip"
' Debug variant
MessageBox Me.hwnd, "Huh, You Can't Stop Me!", _
"Message From PicClip", vbInformation
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub