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TitleBuild a formatted XML file by using a DOMDocument object
DescriptionThis example shows how to build a formatted XML file by using a DOMDocument object in Visual Basic 6. It adds elements to the document. It uses text elements to add new lines and indentation. The program then the document's Save method to save the result to the file and its xml property to display the result.
KeywordsXML, DOMDocument, formatted
CategoriesInternet, Files and Directories
Before you start, open the Project menu, select the References command, check the "Microsoft XML, v4.0" entry (or whatever version you have), and click OK.

When the user clicks Go, the program creates a new DOMDocument object. This object represents the XML document. The program uses its createElement method to make the main element, and uses the createComment method to add a comment to the file.

The code then calls the MakeEmployee subroutine to build elements. It uses the document's Save method to write the document into a file and uses the document's xml property to display the document's XML text in the Immediate window.

As it builds the file, the program adds text elements containing carriage returns and indentation to format the code nicely.

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
Dim xml_doc As New DOMDocument
Dim employees_node As IXMLDOMElement

    ' Make the Employees root node.
    Set employees_node = xml_doc.createElement("Employees")
    xml_doc.appendChild employees_node
    employees_node.appendChild _

    ' Add a comment.
    employees_node.appendChild xml_doc.createTextNode("  ")
    employees_node.appendChild xml_doc.createComment(" " & _
        "Employee Records")
    employees_node.appendChild _

    ' Make some Employee elements.
    MakeEmployee employees_node, "Arthur", "Anderson", 1
    MakeEmployee employees_node, "Beatrice", "Baker", 22
    MakeEmployee employees_node, "Chas", "Chumerson", 333
    MakeEmployee employees_node, "Deb", "Deevers", 4444

    ' Write the document.
    xml_doc.save txtFile.Text

    Debug.Print xml_doc.xml

    MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
Subroutine MakeEmployee adds an element to the parent node. It uses the element's setAttribute method to set the element's Id attribute. It then uses the document's createElement and createTextNode methods to make the FirstName and LastName elements and their text contents.
' Make an Employee element.
Private Sub MakeEmployee(ByVal parent_node As _
    IXMLDOMElement, ByVal first_name As String, ByVal _
    last_name As String, ByVal employee_id As Integer)
Dim employee_node As IXMLDOMElement
Dim first_name_node As IXMLDOMElement
Dim last_name_node As IXMLDOMElement

    ' Make the Employee element.
    Set employee_node = _
    parent_node.appendChild employee_node

    ' Add the Id attribute.
    employee_node.setAttribute "Id", Format$(employee_id)

    ' Add the FirstName and LastName elements.
    Set first_name_node = _
    employee_node.appendChild first_name_node
    first_name_node.appendChild _

    Set last_name_node = _
    employee_node.appendChild last_name_node
    last_name_node.appendChild _
End Sub
This example shows the general technique for building XML documents. First you use the document's createXxx methods to make new elements, comments, and other objects to add to the document. You then append the new items to the element that should contain them.

For information about XML programming in Visual Basic .NET, see my book Visual Basic .NET and XML.

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