Create the Recordset using New. Use a SHAPE APPEND statement in the Recordset's Open method to create the hierarchical Recordset.
Use AddNew to add new parent records. Then get the new record's child Recordset object and use its AddNew method to give it records.
Finally, set the report object's DataSource property to the parent Recordset and display the report.
Note: This program requires MDAC 2.5. Download it.
Private Sub cmdReport_Click()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim child_rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
rs.Open _
" New adVarChar(10) As ParentDay," & _
" New adVarChar(10) As ChildDay," & _
" New adVarChar(10) As Name," & _
" New adInteger As Amount)" & _
" RELATE ParentDay to ChildDay) As Child", _
"Provider=MSDataShape;Data Provider=None"
rs.AddNew Array("ParentDay"), Array("Monday")
rs.AddNew Array("ParentDay"), Array("Tuesday")
Set child_rs = rs("Child").Value
child_rs.AddNew Array("ChildDay", "Name", "Amount"), _
Array("Monday", "Rod", -1.11)
child_rs.AddNew Array("ChildDay", "Name", "Amount"), _
Array("Tuesday", "Rod", 2.22)
child_rs.AddNew Array("ChildDay", "Name", "Amount"), _
Array("Monday", "Michelle", 11.11)
child_rs.AddNew Array("ChildDay", "Name", "Amount"), _
Array("Tuesday", "Cobe", -22.22)
Set rptTest.DataSource = rs
rptTest.Show vbModal
End Sub