Title | Make a console application that checks for palindromes |
Description | This example shows how to make a console application that checks for palindromes in Visual Basic 6. It uses the AllocConsole API function to open a console window and then reads and writes to it. |
Keywords | console, stdin, stdout, stderr |
Categories | Software Engineering, Windows |
Thanks to Dipak Auddy.
This program starts from Sub Main. That routine uses the AllocConsole API function to open a console window. It uses the GetStdHandle API function to get handles to the console's StdIn, StdOut, and StdErr (standard input, standard output, and standard error).
Next the code sets the consoles attributes to display bright yellow text (red + green) on a blue background and prints Dipak's name.
Then in a loop the program displays white text on a black background, uses the ConsolePrint routine to display a prompt, and calls ConsoleRead to read the user's input. If the input is not an empty string, the program calls IsPalin to see if the text is a palindrome and displays the result. If the inupt is an empty string, the program exits its loop and calls FreeConsole to destroy the console window.
Private Sub Main()
Dim szUserInput As String
Dim Flag As Boolean
AllocConsole 'Create a console instance
SetConsoleTitle "VB Palindrome" 'Set the title on the
' console window
'Get the console's handle
hIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
hErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
'Print the prompt to the user. Use the vbCrLf to get to
' a new line.
SetConsoleTextAttribute hOut, FOREGROUND_RED Or _
ConsolePrint "Search For Palindrome (C) Dipak Auddy." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf
SetConsoleTextAttribute hOut, FOREGROUND_RED Or _
ConsolePrint vbCrLf & "Enter Word,Phrase or a " & _
"Sentence[ENTER to Quit.]--> "
'Get the user's input
szUserInput = ConsoleRead()
If Not szUserInput = vbNullString Then
Flag = IsPalin(szUserInput)
If Flag Then
SetConsoleTextAttribute hOut, _
ConsolePrint szUserInput & " -- IS " & _
SetConsoleTextAttribute hOut, FOREGROUND_RED
ConsolePrint szUserInput & " -- IS NOT " & _
End If
ConsolePrint "Good Bye!"
Exit Do
End If
'Call ConsoleRead
FreeConsole 'Destroy the console
End Sub
The ConsolePrint subroutine calls the WriteConsole API function to display a string in the console's standard output.
ConsoleRead calls the ReadConsole API function to get data from the console's standard input. It trims off the trailing null character and vbCrLf to make the result easier to use.
Finally, the IsPalin function determines whether a string is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards).
Private Sub ConsolePrint(szOut As String)
WriteConsole hOut, szOut, Len(szOut), vbNull, vbNull
End Sub
Private Function ConsoleRead() As String
Dim sUserInput As String * 256
Call ReadConsole(hIn, sUserInput, Len(sUserInput), _
vbNull, vbNull)
'Trim off the NULL charactors and the CRLF.
ConsoleRead = Left$(sUserInput, InStr(sUserInput, _
Chr$(0)) - 3)
End Function
Function IsPalin(ByVal TXT As String) As Boolean
Dim a As String
'Remove Space(s) from user input and make it Upper Case
TXT = UCase(Replace(TXT, " ", ""))
a = StrReverse(TXT)
If TXT = a Then
IsPalin = True
IsPalin = False
End If
End Function