Title | Display system colors, their Hex values, and their RGB equivalents |
Keywords | system color, palette, RGB |
Categories | Graphics |
This example displays its results in a FlexGrid control. For each system color, the program displays the color's name and color constant value. It uses GetSysColor to convert the color into an RGB value. Finally, it displays an empty cell with CellBackColor set to the color's RGB value so you can see a sample.
Private ColorNumbers As Collection
Private ColorNames As Collection
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim r As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim new_wid As Single
Dim max_wid As Single
Dim txt As String
Dim rgb_color As Long
Set ColorNumbers = New Collection
Set ColorNames = New Collection
' Load the color names and numbers.
... code omitted ...
' Display the color values.
flxColors.Rows = ColorNames.Count + 1
flxColors.Cols = 4
flxColors.FixedRows = 1
flxColors.FixedCols = 0
flxColors.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Constant"
flxColors.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Hex Value"
flxColors.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "RGB Value"
flxColors.TextMatrix(0, 3) = "Sample"
flxColors.Col = 3
For r = 1 To ColorNames.Count
' Display the color name.
flxColors.TextMatrix(r, 0) = ColorNames(r)
' Display the hex color number.
flxColors.TextMatrix(r, 1) = Hex$(ColorNumbers(r))
' Display the hex RGB color value.
rgb_color = GetSysColor(&HFFFFFF And _
txt = Hex$(rgb_color)
txt = String(6 - Len(txt), "0") & txt
flxColors.TextMatrix(r, 2) = txt
' Display a sample.
flxColors.Row = r
flxColors.CellBackColor = rgb_color
Next r
' Adjust the column sizes.
For c = 0 To 3
max_wid = 0
For r = 0 To flxColors.Rows - 1
new_wid = TextWidth(flxColors.TextMatrix(r, c))
If max_wid < new_wid Then max_wid = new_wid
Next r
flxColors.ColWidth(c) = max_wid + 120
Next c
flxColors.ColAlignment(1) = flexAlignRightCenter
flxColors.ColAlignment(2) = flexAlignRightCenter
End Sub