' Divide the text into pieces before, between, and after
' two targets.
Private Sub DivideText(ByVal txt As String, ByVal target1 _
As String, ByVal target2 As String, ByRef before As _
String, ByRef between As String, ByRef after As String)
Dim pos As Long
' Get the text before target1.
pos = InStr(txt, target1)
If pos = 0 Then
' target1 is missing. Set before = "".
before = ""
' Set before.
before = Left$(txt, pos - 1)
' Remove up to target1 from the string.
txt = Mid$(txt, pos + Len(target1))
End If
' Get the text before target2.
pos = InStr(txt, target2)
If pos = 0 Then
' target2 is missing. Set between = "".
between = ""
' Set between.
between = Left$(txt, pos - 1)
' Remove up to target2 from the string.
txt = Mid$(txt, pos + Len(target2))
End If
' Return what remains.
after = txt
End Sub