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TitleLet the user select an area using a rubberband box and place a new control there
Keywordsrubber band, rubberband, rectangle, user drawing
Draw with DrawMode = vbInvert to allow lines to be erased. Subroutine DrawBox draws a box in Invert mode. Notice how it saves the original drawing mode and restores it when it is finished. Also note that this routine could draw any shape (ellipse, pentagon, smiley face) instead of a rectangle and the program would work without any other changes.
' Are we dragging?
Dim dragging As Boolean

' Drag coordinates.
Dim StartX As Single
Dim StartY As Single
Dim CurX As Single
Dim CurY As Single

' Draw the currently selected box.
Private Sub DrawBox()
Dim old_mode As Integer

    old_mode = DrawMode
    DrawMode = vbInvert
    Line (StartX, StartY)-(CurX, CurY), , B
    DrawMode = old_mode
End Sub
In the MouseDown event handler, check the button pressed. If the user is pressing the right button, cancel any current drawing. Otherwise start drawing a new box. The ability to cancel is a nice feature left off of many drawing programs.

In the MouseMove event handler, redraw the previous rectangle to remove it and then draw the new rectangle.

In MouseUp, erase the final box and call subroutine CreateControl to make a Label control at the selected position.

' Start or cancel dragging.
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As _
    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    ' Cancel drag if right button.
    If Button = vbRightButton Then
        If dragging Then
            dragging = False
            DrawBox     ' Erase the old box.
        End If
    End If
    dragging = True
    StartX = X
    StartY = Y
    CurX = X
    CurY = Y
    DrawBox     ' Draw the first box.
End Sub

' Continue dragging.
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As _
    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    ' Do nothing if not dragging.
    If Not dragging Then Exit Sub
    DrawBox     ' Erase the old box.
    CurX = X
    CurY = Y
    DrawBox     ' Draw the new box.
End Sub

' Finish dragging.
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As _
    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    ' Do nothing if not dragging.
    If Not dragging Then Exit Sub
    dragging = False
    DrawBox     ' Erase the old box.
    CurX = X
    CurY = Y

    ' Take whatever action is necessary here.
End Sub

' Create a new control with corners
' (StartX, StartY) and (CurX, CurY).
Private Sub CreateControl()
Static max_index As Integer

Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim wid As Single
Dim hgt As Single

    wid = Abs(StartX - CurX)
    hgt = Abs(StartY - CurY)
    ' Don't create really tiny controls.
    If wid < 120 Or hgt < 120 Then Exit Sub
    If StartX < CurX Then
        X = StartX
        X = CurX
    End If
    If StartY < CurY Then
        Y = StartY
        Y = CurY
    End If
    ' Load the new control
    max_index = max_index + 1
    Load Label1(max_index)
    ' Position and show the control.
    Label1(max_index).Move X, Y, wid, hgt
    Label1(max_index).Visible = True
End Sub
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