Title | Perform field- and form-level validations |
Keywords | field, form, validation |
Categories | Software Engineering, Database |
Perform field-level validations in the TextBox's (or other controls') LostFocus event handlers. If a value is invalid, highlight the field but do not force the user to correct it yet. That can be very annoying and slows the user down while typing in many fields.
When the user clicks the Ok button, perform field- and form-level edits and require the user to fix any problems.
' Reset the field's colors.
Private Sub NumericText_GotFocus()
SetValid NumericText
End Sub
' Make sure the data passes edits.
Private Sub NumericText_LostFocus()
If FailsNumeric(NumericText.Text) Then _
SetInvalid NumericText
End Sub
' Set the control's colors for a valid field.
Private Sub SetValid(ctl As TextBox)
ctl.ForeColor = GoodLabel.ForeColor
ctl.BackColor = GoodLabel.BackColor
End Sub
' Set the control's colors for an invalid field.
Private Sub SetInvalid(ctl As TextBox)
ctl.ForeColor = BadLabel.ForeColor
ctl.BackColor = BadLabel.BackColor
End Sub
' Return true if the field fails its edits.
Function FailsNumeric(txt As String) As Boolean
Dim ch As String
Dim i As Integer
FailsNumeric = True
For i = 1 To Len(txt)
ch = Mid$(txt, i, 1)
If ch < "0" Or ch > "9" Then Exit Function
Next i
FailsNumeric = False
End Function
Private Sub CmdOk_Click()
' Perform form-level validations.
If FailsAlpha(AlphaText.Text) Then
MsgBox "AlphaText must be alphabetic."
Exit Sub
End If
If FailsNumeric(NumericText.Text) Then
MsgBox "NumericText must be numeric."
Exit Sub
End If
If FailsNumeric(Numeric2Text.Text) Then
MsgBox "Numeric2Text must be numeric."
Exit Sub
End If
If Numeric2Text.Text <> NumericText.Text Then
MsgBox "Numeric2Text must match NumericText."
Exit Sub
End If
If FailsOdd(OddText.Text) Then
MsgBox "OddText must be odd."
Exit Sub
End If
If FailsEven(EvenText.Text) Then
MsgBox "EvenText must be even."
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "All edits passed."
End Sub