Title | Get a file's creation, last access, and last write times |
Keywords | file, creation, access, write |
Categories | Files and Directories, Windows, Software Engineering |
' Return True if there is an error.
Private Function GetFileTimes(ByVal file_name As String, _
ByRef date_created As Date, ByRef date_accessed As _
Date, ByRef date_written As Date, ByVal local_time As _
Boolean) As Boolean
Dim file_handle As Long
Dim creation_time As FILETIME
Dim access_time As FILETIME
Dim write_time As FILETIME
Dim file_time As FILETIME
' Open the file.
file_handle = CreateFile(file_name, GENERIC_READ, _
0&, OPEN_EXISTING, 0&, 0&)
If file_handle = 0 Then
GetFileTimes = True
Exit Function
End If
' Get the times.
If GetFileTime(file_handle, creation_time, _
access_time, write_time) = 0 _
GetFileTimes = True
Exit Function
End If
' Close the file.
If CloseHandle(file_handle) = 0 Then
GetFileTimes = True
Exit Function
End If
' See if we should convert to the local
' file system time.
If local_time Then
' Convert to local file system time.
FileTimeToLocalFileTime creation_time, file_time
creation_time = file_time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime access_time, file_time
access_time = file_time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime write_time, file_time
write_time = file_time
End If
' Convert into dates.
date_created = FileTimeToDate(creation_time)
date_accessed = FileTimeToDate(access_time)
date_written = FileTimeToDate(write_time)
End Function
' Convert the FILETIME structure into a Date.
Private Function FileTimeToDate(ft As FILETIME) As Date
' FILETIME units are 100s of nanoseconds.
Const TICKS_PER_SECOND = 10000000
Dim lo_time As Double
Dim hi_time As Double
Dim seconds As Double
Dim hours As Double
Dim the_date As Date
' Get the low order data.
If ft.dwLowDateTime < 0 Then
lo_time = 2 ^ 31 + (ft.dwLowDateTime And &H7FFFFFFF)
lo_time = ft.dwLowDateTime
End If
' Get the high order data.
If ft.dwHighDateTime < 0 Then
hi_time = 2 ^ 31 + (ft.dwHighDateTime And _
hi_time = ft.dwHighDateTime
End If
' Combine them and turn the result into hours.
seconds = (lo_time + 2 ^ 32 * hi_time) / _
hours = CLng(seconds / 3600)
seconds = seconds - hours * 3600
' Make the date.
the_date = DateAdd("h", hours, "1/1/1601 0:00 AM")
the_date = DateAdd("s", seconds, the_date)
FileTimeToDate = the_date
End Function