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TitleGet file version information
Keywordsfile, version information
CategoriesFiles and Directories, Utilities
Use the GetFileVersionInfoSize, GetFileVersionInfo, and VerQueryValue API functions.
' Return version information strings for a file.
Public Function VersionInformation(ByVal file_name As _
    String) As VersionInformationType
Dim dummy_handle As Long
Dim buffer() As Byte
Dim info_size As Long
Dim info_address As Long
Dim fixed_file_info As VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
Dim fixed_file_info_size As Long
Dim result As VersionInformationType

    ' Get the version information buffer size.
    info_size = GetFileVersionInfoSize(file_name, _
    If info_size = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No version information available"
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Load the fixed file information into a buffer.
    ReDim buffer(1 To info_size)
    If GetFileVersionInfo(file_name, 0&, info_size, _
        buffer(1)) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error getting version information"
        Exit Function
    End If
    If VerQueryValue(buffer(1), "\", info_address, _
        fixed_file_info_size) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error getting fixed file version " & _
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Copy the information from the buffer into a
    ' usable structure.
    MoveMemory fixed_file_info, info_address, _

    ' Get the version information.
    With fixed_file_info
        ' Structure version.
        result.StructureVersion = _
            Format$(.dwStrucVersionh) & "." & _

        ' File version number.
        result.FileVersion = _
            Format$(.dwFileVersionMSh) & "." & _
            Format$(.dwFileVersionMSl) & "." & _
            Format$(.dwFileVersionLSh) & "." & _

        ' Product version number.
        result.ProductVersion = _
            Format$(.dwProductVersionMSh) & "." & _
            Format$(.dwProductVersionMSl) & "." & _
            Format$(.dwProductVersionLSh) & "." & _

        ' File attributes.
        result.FileFlags = ""
        If .dwFileFlags And VS_FF_DEBUG Then _
            result.FileFlags = result.FileFlags & " Debug"
        If .dwFileFlags And VS_FF_PRERELEASE Then _
            result.FileFlags = result.FileFlags & " PreRel"
        If .dwFileFlags And VS_FF_PATCHED Then _
            result.FileFlags = result.FileFlags & " Patched"
        If .dwFileFlags And VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD Then _
            result.FileFlags = result.FileFlags & " Private"
        If .dwFileFlags And VS_FF_INFOINFERRED Then _
            result.FileFlags = result.FileFlags & " Info"
        If .dwFileFlags And VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD Then _
            result.FileFlags = result.FileFlags & " Special"
        If .dwFileFlags And VFT2_UNKNOWN Then _
            result.FileFlags = result.FileFlags + " Unknown"
        If Len(result.FileFlags) > 0 Then result.FileFlags _
            = Mid$(result.FileFlags, 2)

        ' Target operating system.
        Select Case .dwFileOS
            Case VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16
                result.TargetOperatingSystem = "DOS-Win16"
            Case VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32
                result.TargetOperatingSystem = "DOS-Win32"
            Case VOS_OS216_PM16
                result.TargetOperatingSystem = "OS/2-16 " & _
            Case VOS_OS232_PM32
                result.TargetOperatingSystem = "OS/2-16 " & _
            Case VOS_NT_WINDOWS32
                result.TargetOperatingSystem = "NT-Win32"
            Case Else
                result.TargetOperatingSystem = "Unknown"
        End Select

        ' File type.
        Select Case .dwFileType
           Case VFT_APP
                result.FileType = "App"
           Case VFT_DLL
                result.FileType = "DLL"
           Case VFT_DRV
                result.FileType = "Driver"
                Select Case fixed_file_info.dwFileSubtype
                    Case VFT2_DRV_PRINTER
                        result.FileSubtype = "Printer drv"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD
                        result.FileSubtype = "Keyboard drv"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE
                        result.FileSubtype = "Language drv"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY
                        result.FileSubtype = "Display drv"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_MOUSE
                        result.FileSubtype = "Mouse drv"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_NETWORK
                        result.FileSubtype = "Network drv"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM
                        result.FileSubtype = "System drv"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE
                        result.FileSubtype = "Installable"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_SOUND
                        result.FileSubtype = "Sound drv"
                    Case VFT2_DRV_COMM
                        result.FileSubtype = "Comm drv"
                    Case VFT2_UNKNOWN
                        result.FileSubtype = "Unknown"
                End Select
           Case VFT_FONT
                result.FileType = "Font"
           Case VFT_VXD
                result.FileType = "VxD"
           Case VFT_STATIC_LIB
                result.FileType = "Lib"
           Case Else
                result.FileType = "Unknown"
        End Select
    End With

    VersionInformation = result
End Function
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 https://vb-helper.com/howto_file_version_info.html Updated 11/10/2010 19:06:00