Title | Prompt the user for a serial number the first time the program runs |
Description | This example shows how to prompt the user for a serial number the first time the program runs in Visual Basic 6. |
Keywords | serial number, password, one time, one-time |
Categories | Software Engineering |
Thanks to Gamal Ahmed.
When the program runs, it loads a password from the Registry and compares it to the desired value. If the value matches, the program displays the program's main form. If the value doesn't match, it displays its first form, which lets the user enter the password.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Command1.Caption = "&Next"
Label1.Caption = "2B7Q8"
Label1.Font.Size = 12
Text1.FontSize = 12
Me.Caption = "GAF_PASS"
' Load the saved value from the registry.
Text1.Text = GetSetting(APP_NAME, SECTION_NAME, " " & _
"Text1", Text1.Text)
If Text1 = Label1.Caption Then
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
When the user enters a passwords and clicks the button, the program checks the password. If the value is correct, the program stores it in the Registry for next time and displays the main form.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1 = Label1.Caption Then
Unload Me
MsgBox "Not valid Key-Number"
End If
End Sub
This program stores the correct password in a Label control. In a more secure application, you would not want to store the plain password in a control because other processes can read another program's controls. Instead you should do something such as make the product serial number hash to a magic value and store that value. When the user enters a serial number, hash it and see if it matches the magic value.