Title | Make a FlexGrid's columns fit its data |
Keywords | FlexGrid, fit, autofit, ColWidth |
Categories | Controls |
For each column, examine each cell. Use the form's TextWidth method to see how wide the text in that cell should be. Take the maximum of each cell, add a little extra margin, and set the column's width.
' Make the columns fit their data.
Private Sub AutoFitFlexGrid(ByVal flx As MSFlexGrid)
Dim r As Long
Dim C As Long
Dim cell_wid As Single
Dim col_wid As Single
For C = 0 To flx.Cols - 1
col_wid = 0
For r = 0 To flx.Rows - 1
cell_wid = TextWidth(flx.TextMatrix(r, C))
If col_wid < cell_wid Then col_wid = cell_wid
Next r
flx.ColWidth(C) = col_wid + 120
Next C
End Sub
Note that this method assumes the form uses the same font as the FlexGrid control. In particular, if the FlexGrid's first row is a header row with a bold font, its text will be slightly larger than the TextWidth method says. You can change the form's Font.Bold value while working with that row. If the header entries are relatively small compared to the values beneath them, you can ignore this.