The GetNumberFormat API function formats a string. This example lets you set the locale ID to LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, or 0. If you set it to 0, the program lets you specify the number of digits after the decimal separator, whether to use a leading zero if the number has no whole part, the number of digits per grouping, the thousands and decimal separators, and the method for handling negative numbers (e.g. -1 versus (1) versus 1-).
GetNumberFormat places the formatted result in a buffer and returns the length of the buffer.
' Format a numeric string.
Private Function FormatString(ByVal numeric_string As _
String, ByVal locale_id As Long, ByVal num_digits As _
Integer, ByVal leading_zero As Boolean, ByVal _
num_per_group As Integer, ByVal decimal_separator As _
String, ByVal thousands_separator As String, ByVal _
negative_order As Long) As String
Dim buf As String * 200
Dim buflen As Integer
With fmt
.NumDigits = num_digits
If leading_zero Then
.LeadingZero = 1
.LeadingZero = 0
End If
.Grouping = num_per_group
.lpDecimalSep = decimal_separator
.lpThousandSep = thousands_separator
.NegativeOrder = negative_order
End With
If locale_id = 0 Then
buflen = GetNumberFormat(locale_id, 0, _
numeric_string, fmt, buf, Len(buf))
buflen = GetNumberFormat(locale_id, 0, _
numeric_string, ByVal 0&, buf, Len(buf))
End If
FormatString = Left$(buf, buflen)
End Function