The GetTimeFormat API function formats a date. This example lets you set the locale ID to LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, or 0. If you set it to 0, the program lets you specify no minutes or seconds, no seconds, no time marker (AM/PM), and force 24-hour format.
GetTimeFormat places the formatted result in a buffer and returns the length of the buffer.
' Format a numeric string.
Private Function FormatTime(system_time As SYSTEMTIME, _
ByVal locale_id As Long, ByVal no_minutes_seconds As _
Boolean, ByVal no_seconds As Boolean, ByVal _
no_time_marker As Boolean, ByVal force_24_hour_format _
As Boolean) As String
Dim flags As Long
Dim buf As String * 200
Dim buflen As Integer
flags = 0
If no_minutes_seconds Then flags = flags Or _
If no_seconds Then flags = flags Or TIME_NOSECONDS
If no_time_marker Then flags = flags Or _
If force_24_hour_format Then flags = flags Or _
If locale_id = 0 Then
' Custom.
' See if we need to use a format.
If (flags = 0) And Len(txtFormat.Text) > 0 Then
buflen = GetTimeFormat(locale_id, flags, _
system_time, txtFormat.Text, buf, Len(buf))
buflen = GetTimeFormat(locale_id, flags, _
system_time, ByVal 0&, buf, Len(buf))
End If
' Locale.
buflen = GetTimeFormat(locale_id, 0, _
system_time, ByVal 0&, buf, Len(buf))
End If
FormatTime = Left$(buf, buflen)
End Function