Suppose you perform a series of iterations of equations to generate points. Sometimes the points converge to one or more points. For example, the equations X(n) = X(n - 1) / 2, Y(n) = Y(n - 1) / 3 approach the point (0, 0) as n grows large.
The points to which the equations converge is called an attractor.
Some equations are drawn towards a collection of points that is not easily defined but that somehow has a coherent shape. These points are called a strange attractor.
Clifford Pickover discovered that the following equations geneate points that are drawn to a strange attractor.
X(n) = Sin(A * Y(n - 1)) - Z(n - 1) * Cos(B * X(n - 1))
Y(n) = Z(n) * Sin(C * X(n - 1)) - Cos(D * Y(n - 1))
Z(n) = Sin(X(n - 1))
Here A, B, C, and D are constants.
The following code plots these points.