By Patrice Goyer.
Compute the greatest common divisor D and the least common multiple M of two numbers A and B, and show the "Bezout equality" expressing D as a linear combination of A and B.
Use Euclid's algorithm, recording at each step, into a 2 x 2 matrix, the results needed later.
' The rationale is to use the Euclides algorithm
' and to memorize the results in a 2x2 Matrix Dn
' such that
' a Rn-1
' = Dn .
' b Rn-2
' if Rn = Qn x Rn-1 + Rn+1
' then Dn+1 = Dn . Q , where
' Qn 1
' Q =
' 1 0
' (Qo being the identity matrix)
' For performance reasons the matrix D is kept in variables
' d1 through d4
Const computeCaption As String = "&Compute GCD(a,b)," & _
vbCr _
& "LCM(a,b) and" & vbCr _
& "Bezout relationship"
Const newValCaption = "Enter &new" & vbCr & "values"
' the numbers whose GDC and LCM are wanted
Dim A As Long, B As Long
' the matrix and temp storage variables
Dim d1 As Long, d2 As Long, d3 As Long, d4 As Long
Dim dPrim1 As Long, dPrim3 As Long
Dim det As Long ' determinant of D
' the inverse of matrix D
Dim b1 As Long, b2 As Long
' Dim b3 As Long, b4 As Long
' the variables for Euclides algorithm
Dim X As Long, Y As Long, Q As Long, R As Long
Dim LCM As Double
' miscellaneous
Dim sizW As Long, sizH As Long
Const minMargin As Long = 200
Const timerTick As Long = 1000 ' 5 seconds
Private Sub cmdCompute_Click()
If cmdCompute.Caption = computeCaption Then
If txtA.Text = "" Then
txtA.SetFocus: Exit Sub
If txtB.Text = "" Then txtB.SetFocus: Exit Sub
End If
' compute GCD, etc.
txtA.Enabled = False
txtB.Enabled = False
If getAandB Then
cmdCompute.Enabled = False
' initialize the matrix to Identity
d1 = 1: d2 = 0: d3 = 0: d4 = 1
' set A as larger of the numbers
If A < B Then R = A: A = B: B = R
X = A: Y = B: Q = 0: R = A
txtA.Text = CStr(A)
txtB.Text = CStr(B)
det = 1
' Euclides algorithm is just in the 6 lines below !
Do While R <> 0
X = Y
Y = R
' Here we've got (A,B) = D . (X,0) and X = GCD (A,B)
' and A = d1 * X , B = d3 * X , LCM(A,B) = d1 * d3 * X
' we inverse the matrix (just as much as necessary)
' to get a Bezout relationship
lblResult.Caption = "GCD(" & CStr(A) & "," & CStr(B) & _
") = " & CStr(X) & vbCr
If X = 1 Then
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & _
"(" & CStr(A) & " and " & CStr(B) & " are relatively " & _
"prime)" & vbCr
End If
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & _
CStr(A) & " = " & CStr(d1) & " * " & CStr(X) & vbCr & _
CStr(B) & " = " & CStr(d3) & " * " & CStr(X) & vbCr
' we have GCD(A,B) = X = b1 * A + b2 * B
' we check it if we can (using the LCM variable for
' capacity reasons)
On Error Resume Next
LCM = b1 * A + b2 * B
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If LCM <> X Then
MsgBox "Fatal error #03 - Must quit", vbCritical, _
"Fatal error #03 in Bezout"
End If
End If
LCM = d1 * d3 * X ' LCM(a,b)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & vbCr & _
"LCM(" & CStr(A) & "," & CStr(B) & ") = " & _
CStr(LCM) & vbCr & _
CStr(LCM) & " = " & CStr(A) & " * " & CStr(d3) & _
vbCr & _
CStr(LCM) & " = " & CStr(B) & " * " & CStr(d1)
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & vbCr & _
"LCM(" & CStr(A) & "," & CStr(B) & ") = " & CStr(A) _
& " * " & CStr(d3) & vbCr & _
"LCM(" & CStr(A) & "," & CStr(B) & ") = " & CStr(B) _
& " * " & CStr(d1)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & vbCr & _
vbCr & "Bezout equality:" & vbCr & CStr(X) & " = "
If b1 >= 0 Then
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & CStr(b1)
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & "(-" & _
CStr(-b1) & ")"
End If
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & " * " & CStr(A) _
& " + "
If b2 >= 0 Then
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & CStr(b2)
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & "(-" & _
CStr(-b2) & ")"
End If
lblResult.Caption = lblResult.Caption & " * " & CStr(B)
cmdCompute.Caption = newValCaption
cmdCompute.Enabled = True
txtA.Enabled = True
txtB.Enabled = True
End If
' click on the "enter new value button"
ElseIf cmdCompute.Caption = newValCaption Then
txtA.Enabled = True
txtA.Text = ""
txtB.Enabled = True
txtB.Text = ""
lblResult.Caption = ""
cmdCompute.Caption = computeCaption
MsgBox "Fatal error #01 - Must quit", vbCritical, "Fatal " & _
"error #01 in Bezout"
End If
End Sub
' inversion of matrix D
Private Sub invMat()
' the determinant of D must be 1 or -1
' as D is a product of matrices whose determinant is -1
' det = (d1 * d4) - (d2 * d3) has already been computed
If (det = 1) Or (det = -1) Then
b1 = d4 * det
b2 = (-d2) * det
' we only need b1 and b2
' b3 = (-d3) / det
' b4 = d1 / det
MsgBox "Fatal error #02 - Must quit", vbCritical, "Fatal " & _
"error #02 in Bezout"
End If
End Sub