Thanks to Bob Askey.
When a Timer fires, use the GetCursorPos and WindowFromPoint API functions to see where the mouse is and find the window under it. Use GetWindowText, GetClassName, GetWindowLong, GetWindowWord, and GetModuleFileName to get information about the window.
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
#If Win16 Then
#ElseIf Win32 Then
Dim pt32 As POINTAPI
Dim ptx As Long
Dim pty As Long
Dim sWindowText As String * 100
Dim sClassName As String * 100
Dim hWndOver As Long
Dim hWndParent As Long
Dim sParentClassName As String * 100
Dim wID As Long
Dim lWindowStyle As Long
Dim hInstance As Long
Dim sParentWindowText As String * 100
Dim sModuleFileName As String * 100
Static hWndLast As Long
Call GetCursorPos(pt32) ' Get cursor
' position
ptx = pt32.x
pty = pt32.y
hWndOver = WindowFromPointXY(ptx, pty) ' Get window
' cursor is over
If hWndOver <> hWndLast Then ' If changed
' update display
hWndLast = hWndOver ' Save change
Cls ' Clear the
' form
Print "Window Handle: &H"; Hex(hWndOver) ' Display
' window handle
r = GetWindowText(hWndOver, sWindowText, 100) '
' Window text
Print "Window Text: " & Left(sWindowText, r)
r = GetClassName(hWndOver, sClassName, 100) _
' Window Class
Print "Window Class Name: "; Left(sClassName, r)
lWindowStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndOver, GWL_STYLE) _
' Window Style
Print "Window Style: &H"; Hex(lWindowStyle)
' Get handle of parent window:
hWndParent = GetParent(hWndOver)
' If there is a parent get more info:
If hWndParent <> 0 Then
' Get ID of window:
wID = GetWindowWord(hWndOver, GWW_ID)
Print "Window ID Number: &H"; Hex(wID)
Print "Parent Window Handle: &H"; Hex(hWndParent)
' Get the text of the Parent window:
r = GetWindowText(hWndParent, sParentWindowText, _
Print "Parent Window Text: " & _
Left(sParentWindowText, r)
' Get the class name of the parent window:
r = GetClassName(hWndParent, sParentClassName, _
Print "Parent Window Class Name: "; _
Left(sParentClassName, r)
' Update fields when no parent:
Print "Window ID Number: N/A"
Print "Parent Window Handle: N/A"
Print "Parent Window Text : N/A"
Print "Parent Window Class Name: N/A"
End If
' Get window instance:
hInstance = GetWindowWord(hWndOver, GWW_HINSTANCE)
' Get module file name:
r = GetModuleFileName(hInstance, sModuleFileName, _
Print "Module: "; Left(sModuleFileName, r)
End If
#End If
End Sub