A call to a Recordset's GetRows method returns a two-dimensional array. The first dimension gives the number of fields and the second gives the records.
This class provides a set of functions for manipulating this kind of array. The functions include:
Function | Purpose |
AreAnyOfTheseInThis | Look for records containing certain values |
AreAnyOfTheseNOTInThis | Look for records not containing certain values |
RemoveRecord | Remove a record from the array |
AddRecords | Add records to the array |
GetARecord | Retrieve a record by index |
GetRecordsByFieldValue | Return an array containing matching records |
IsThisRecordADuplicate | Return True if a specific record is present in the array |
AppendField | Add a field to each record in the array |
ConvertFieldDataToType | Convert a field in the array to a specified data type (string, integer, or date) |
SaveArray | Save the array in a file |
RemoveFields | Remove fields from the array |
StripDupes | Remove adjacent duplicate records |