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TitleHatch a region with a non-standard hatch size
Keywordshatch region, fill
Uses some math and the Line method to hatch an area with non-standard hatch spacing. The trickiest part is making the hatching line up in different overlapping areas. The Int statements make the coordinates where the hatching starts line up.

My book Visual Basic Graphics Programming demonstrates other drawing techniques including the use of API functions for drawing.

Public Sub HatchBox(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal x1 As _
    Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal _
    y2 As Single)
Const PIX_SPACING = 10   ' Spacing in pixels.

Dim spacing As Single
Dim tmp As Single
Dim c As Integer
Dim c1 As Integer
Dim c2 As Integer
Dim i1 As Integer
Dim j1 As Integer
Dim i2 As Integer
Dim j2 As Integer

    spacing = obj.ScaleX(PIX_SPACING, vbPixels, _
    If x1 > x2 Then
        tmp = x1
        x1 = x2
        x2 = tmp
    End If
    If y1 > y2 Then
        tmp = y1
        y1 = y2
        y2 = tmp
    End If
    ' Hatch like this: \\\.
    c1 = Int((y1 - x2) / spacing + 1)
    c2 = Int((y2 - x1) / spacing)
    For c = c1 To c2
        i1 = x1
        i2 = x2
        j1 = i1 + c * spacing
        j2 = i2 + c * spacing
        If j1 < y1 Then
            i1 = y1 - c * spacing
            j1 = i1 + c * spacing
        End If
        If j2 > y2 Then
            i2 = y2 - c * spacing
            j2 = i2 + c * spacing
        End If
        obj.Line (i1, j1)-(i2, j2)
    Next c

    ' Hatch like this: ///.
    c1 = Int((y1 + x1) / spacing + 1)
    c2 = Int((y2 + x2) / spacing)
    For c = c1 To c2
        i1 = x1
        i2 = x2
        j1 = c * spacing - i1
        j2 = c * spacing - i2
        If j2 < y1 Then
            i2 = c * spacing - y1
            j2 = c * spacing - i2
        End If
        If j1 > y2 Then
            i1 = c * spacing - y2
            j1 = c * spacing - i1
        End If
        obj.Line (i1, j1)-(i2, j2)
    Next c
End Sub
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