Title | Get subkeys from any part of the registry |
Description | This example shows how to get subkeys from any part of the registry in Visual Basic 6. |
Keywords | Regsitry, System Registry, key, subkey |
Categories | Tips and Tricks, Windows |
When the user selects a Registry section, enters a key, and clicks a button, the program calls subroutine GetKeyInfo, passing it the section, key name, and an indentation level.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
txtKeys.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & _
GetKeyInfo(m_SelectedSection, Text1.Text, 4)
End Sub
Function GetKeyInfo uses RegOpenKeyEx to open a key. It then calls RegEnumKey repeatedly to get subkey values until RegEnumKey returns something other than ERROR_SUCCESS. When it finds a subkey, it saves its name in the subkeys collection and saves the subkey's value in the subkey_values collection.
The function closes the Registry key and recursively calls itself to examine the subkeys.
' Get the key information for this key and
' its subkeys.
Private Function GetKeyInfo(ByVal section As Long, ByVal _
key_name As String, ByVal indent As Integer) As String
Dim subkeys As Collection
Dim subkey_values As Collection
Dim subkey_num As Integer
Dim subkey_name As String
Dim subkey_value As String
Dim length As Long
Dim hKey As Long
Dim txt As String
Set subkeys = New Collection
Set subkey_values = New Collection
' Open the key.
If RegOpenKeyEx(section, _
key_name, _
MsgBox "Error opening key."
Exit Function
End If
' Enumerate the subkeys.
subkey_num = 0
' Enumerate subkeys until we get an error.
length = 256
subkey_name = Space$(length)
If RegEnumKey(hKey, subkey_num, _
subkey_name, length) _
subkey_num = subkey_num + 1
subkey_name = Left$(subkey_name, InStr(subkey_name, _
Chr$(0)) - 1)
subkeys.Add subkey_name
' Get the subkey's value.
length = 256
subkey_value = Space$(length)
If RegQueryValue(hKey, subkey_name, _
subkey_value, length) _
subkey_values.Add "Error"
' Remove the trailing null character.
subkey_value = Left$(subkey_value, length - 1)
subkey_values.Add subkey_value
End If
' Close the key.
If RegCloseKey(hKey) <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
MsgBox "Error closing key."
End If
' Recursively get information on the keys.
For subkey_num = 1 To subkeys.Count
txt = txt & Space$(indent) & _
subkeys(subkey_num) & _
": " & subkey_values(subkey_num) & _
txt = txt & GetKeyInfo(section, _
key_name & "\" & subkeys(subkey_num), _
indent + 4)
Next subkey_num
GetKeyInfo = txt
End Function