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TitleLock the computer so the user cannot use other programs
DescriptionThis example shows how to lock the computer so the user cannot use other programs in Visual Basic 6. It uses the SystemParametersInfo API function to tell the system a screen saver is running. That disables Alt-Tab and Ctl-Alt-Del.
Keywordslock computer, screen saver
CategoriesWindows, Miscellany
The program uses SetWindowPos to make its form topmost and position it over the entire screen including the task bar. It then uses the SystemParametersInfo API function to tell the system a screen saver is running. That disables Alt-Tab and Ctl-Alt-Del.
Private Sub cmdLockWorkstation_Click()
Dim prev_value As Long
Dim wid As Long
Dim hgt As Long

    cmdLockWorkstation.Enabled = False
    cmdUnlockWorkstation.Enabled = True
    cmdExit.Enabled = False

    ' Save the current size and position.
    m_LastLeft = Left
    m_LastTop = Top
    m_LastWidth = Width
    m_LastHeight = Height

    ' Put the form on top of everything including
    ' the task bar.
    wid = Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    hgt = Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    SetWindowPos hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, wid, hgt, 0

    ' Tell the system a screen saver is running.
    SystemParametersInfo SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING, True, _
        prev_value, 0
End Sub
To unlock the workstation, the program uses SystemParametersInfo to tell the system that no screen saver is running.
Private Sub cmdUnlockWorkstation_Click()
Dim prev_value As Long

    cmdLockWorkstation.Enabled = True
    cmdUnlockWorkstation.Enabled = False
    cmdExit.Enabled = True

    ' Restore the size and position.
    Move m_LastLeft, m_LastTop, m_LastWidth, m_LastHeight

    ' Tell the system no screen saver is running.
    SystemParametersInfo SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING, False, _
        prev_value, 0
End Sub
This program may not work on all operating systems.
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