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TitleBuild a simple logging class
DescriptionThis example shows how to build a simple logging class in Visual Basic 6. The Log class provides methods to open a log file, write to the file, and close the file.
Keywordslog, logging, log file
CategoriesSoftware Engineering, Files and Directories
Thanks to Stefan De Prins.

The Log class lets an application easily write logs entries to a file.

Subroutine CreateFile creates a file in a given directory. It uses the fsCreateFileName function to get a file name that contains the current date. CreateFile creates this file or opens it for appending.

Public Sub CreateFile(ByVal Path As String, ByVal vsTitle _
    As String)
Dim lsFile As String

    Path = Trim(Path)
    If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then
        Path = Path & "\"
    End If
    miFileNumber = FreeFile
    lsFile = Path & fsCreateFileName
    If Dir(lsFile) = "" Then
        Open lsFile For Output As #miFileNumber
        Open lsFile For Append As #miFileNumber
    End If
    If Dir(lsFile) <> "" Then
        mbFileHasBeenAssigned = True
        coError.SetError 1001, "File Creation failed"
    End If
    mvarTitle = vsTitle
End Sub

Private Function fsCreateFileName() As String
    fsCreateFileName = Format(CDate(Now()), "YYYY-MM-DD") & _
End Function
Subroutines WriteHeader, WriteLine, and WriteFooter add text to the file.
Public Sub WriteHeader()
    WriteLine _
    WriteLine "START " & mvarTitle & " ON " & _
        Format(CDate(Now()), "YYYY-MM-DD hh:nn:ss")
    WriteLine _
    WriteLine " "
    WriteLine " "
End Sub

Public Sub WriteLine(ByVal vsLine As String)
    If mbFileHasBeenAssigned Then
        Print #miFileNumber, vsLine
        coError.SetError 1000, "No file has been assigned"
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub WriteFooter()
    WriteLine " "
    WriteLine " "
    WriteLine _
    WriteLine "END " & mvarTitle & " ON " & _
        Format(CDate(Now()), "YYYY-MM-DD hh:nn:ss")
    WriteLine _
End Sub
Subroutine CloseFile closes the log file.
Public Sub CloseFile()
    If mbFileHasBeenAssigned Then
        Close #miFileNumber
        mbFileHasBeenAssigned = False
        coError.SetError 1000, "No file has been assigned"
    End If
End Sub
Note: If you open the log file when the program starts and close it when it ends, you may lose some logging if the application crashes without closing the file. If you want to catch everything, you can open the file, write into it, and close the file each time you want to save some information.
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