This program uses a recursive subroutine that first checks combinations containing the first allowed value, and then considers combinations that do not contain the first allowed value.
This is a modified tree search. It looks in all possible combinations of items to find those that have exactly N items selected.
For more information on tree searching and other algorithms, see my book Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Algorithms, Second Edition.
' Pick N items from a list between first_allowed
' and last_allowed. Return the solutions in the
' collection as space-separated characters.
' For example, MchoseN(3, 2, 5, solutions) means
' pick 3 items from the values 2, 3, 4, 5 and
' returns 2 3 4, 2 3 5, and 3 4 5.
Private Sub MchoseN(ByVal N As Integer, ByVal first_allowed _
As Integer, ByVal last_allowed As Integer, ByVal _
solutions As Collection)
Dim i As Integer
Dim txt As String
Dim partial_solutions As Collection
' If N < 1, we don't need to pick any more
' items.
' If N > last_allowed - first_allowed + 1,
' there are too few items for a solution.
' If N = last_allowed - first_allowed + 1,
' all the items must be in the solution.
If N < 1 Then
' We don't need to pick any more.
' Do nothing.
ElseIf N > last_allowed - first_allowed + 1 Then
' There are not enough items.
' Do nothing.
ElseIf N = last_allowed - first_allowed + 1 Then
' All the items must be in the solution.
txt = Format$(first_allowed)
For i = first_allowed + 1 To last_allowed
txt = txt & " " & Format$(i)
Next i
solutions.Add txt
' Get solutions containing first_allowed.
Set partial_solutions = New Collection
If N = 1 Then
partial_solutions.Add ""
MchoseN N - 1, first_allowed + 1, last_allowed, _
End If
' Add first_allowed to make the full
' solutions.
For i = 1 To partial_solutions.Count
solutions.Add Format$(first_allowed) & _
" " & partial_solutions(i)
Next i
' Get solutions not containing first_allowed.
Set partial_solutions = New Collection
MchoseN N, first_allowed + 1, last_allowed, _
' Add these to the solutions.
For i = 1 To partial_solutions.Count
solutions.Add partial_solutions(i)
Next i
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim M As Integer
Dim N As Integer
Dim solutions As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim txt As String
' Get the solutions.
Set solutions = New Collection
M = CInt(txtM.Text)
N = CInt(txtN.Text)
MchoseN N, 1, M, solutions
' Display the solutions.
For i = 1 To solutions.Count
txt = txt & solutions(i) & vbCrLf
Next i
txtResult.Text = txt
lblSolutions.Caption = Format$(solutions.Count)
' Calculate the number of combinations directly.
lblCalculatedNumber.Caption = _
Factorial(M) / _
Factorial(N) / _
Factorial(M - N)
End Sub