Title | Make an ActiveX control that display standard system images (min, max, restore, help, scroll arrows, etc.) |
Keywords | frame, draw frame, buttons, help, close, min, max, restore, scroll |
Categories | Graphics, Windows, ActiveX, ActiveX Controls, Controls |
Use the DrawFrameControl API function to draw the button. It takes as parameters a device context on which to draw, a RECT structure indicating where to draw, a frame image type, and a frame image state. The state may include a modifier indicating disabled, pushed, etc.
The DrawFrame subroutine shown in the following code wraps this API call.
' Draw a frame control image.
Private Sub DrawFrame(ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, _
ByVal Y As Long, ByVal wid As Long, ByVal hgt As Long, _
ByVal frame_type As Long, ByVal frame_state As Long, _
Optional ByVal frame_status As Long = 0)
Dim r As RECT
With r
.Left = X
.Right = X + wid
.Top = Y
.Bottom = Y + hgt
End With
DrawFrameControl hDC, r, frame_type, frame_state Or _
End Sub
The control uses the DrawControl function to draw the control with various property values and in different states.
Private Sub DrawControl()
Dim frame_status As Long
If Not Enabled Then frame_status = frame_status Or _
If m_Pressed Then frame_status = frame_status Or _
If m_Hot Then frame_status = frame_status Or DFCS_HOT
If m_Flat Then frame_status = frame_status Or DFCS_FLAT
If m_Mono Then frame_status = frame_status Or DFCS_MONO
If m_Checked Then frame_status = frame_status Or _
DrawFrame UserControl.hDC, 0, 0, _
ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, _
m_ButtonStyle, m_ButtonType, _
End Sub
The control uses the following event handlers to draw the button pushed or released as the user clicks on it.
' Start a button press.
Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift _
As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
m_Pressing = True
m_Pressed = True
End Sub
' Continue a button press.
Private Sub UserControl_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift _
As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim new_pressed As Boolean
If Not m_Pressing Then Exit Sub
' See if the mouse is over the control.
new_pressed = (X >= 0 And X <= ScaleWidth And _
Y >= 0 And Y <= ScaleHeight)
' Redraw the control if necessary.
If m_Pressed <> new_pressed Then
m_Pressed = new_pressed
End If
End Sub
' Stop a button press.
Private Sub UserControl_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As _
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
' Raise the Click event if the button
' is currently pressed.
If m_Pressed Then RaiseEvent Click
' Stop the press.
m_Pressing = False
m_Pressed = False
End Sub