Title | Draw a smooth closed curve by hand in VB .NET |
Description | This example shows how to draw a smooth closed curve by hand in VB .NET. |
Keywords | smooth curve, smooth closed curve, spline, cardinal spline, Bezier curve, tension |
Categories | Graphics, VB.NET |
' Draw a closed cardinal spline built from connected Bezier
' curves.
Public Sub DrawClosedCurve(ByVal gr As Graphics, ByVal _
the_pen As Pen, ByVal dt As Single, ByVal tension As _
Single, ByVal pts() As PointF)
Dim control_scale As Single = CSng(tension / 0.5 * _
Dim pt, pt_before, pt_after, pt_after2, Di, DiPlus1 As _
Dim p1, p2, p3, p4 As PointF
Dim num_pts As Integer = pts.Length
For i As Integer = 0 To pts.GetUpperBound(0)
pt_before = pts((i - 1 + num_pts) Mod num_pts)
pt = pts(i)
pt_after = pts((i + 1) Mod num_pts)
pt_after2 = pts((i + 2) Mod num_pts)
p1 = pt
p4 = pt_after
Di.X = pt_after.X - pt_before.X
Di.Y = pt_after.Y - pt_before.Y
p2.X = pt.X + control_scale * Di.X
p2.Y = pt.Y + control_scale * Di.Y
DiPlus1.X = pt_after2.X - pts(i).X
DiPlus1.Y = pt_after2.Y - pts(i).Y
p3.X = pt_after.X - control_scale * DiPlus1.X
p3.Y = pt_after.Y - control_scale * DiPlus1.Y
DrawBezier(gr, the_pen, dt, p1, p2, p3, p4)
Next i
End Sub