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TitleMake a ComplexNumber class with operators in Visual Basic .NET
DescriptionThis example shows how to make a ComplexNumber class with operators (+, -, *, and unary -) in Visual Basic .NET. It uses private m_RealPart and m_ImaginaryPart variables to represent the number. It provides methods to add, subtract, negate, and multiply ComplexNumbers.
Keywordscomplex, complex number, real, imaginary, VB .NET, Visual Basic .NET
The ComplexNumber class uses the following code, which is fairly straightforward.
Public Class ComplexNumber
    Private m_RealPart As Single
    Private m_ImaginaryPart As Single

    ' Property procedures.
    Public Property RealPart() As Single
            Return m_RealPart
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Single)
            m_RealPart = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property ImaginaryPart() As Single
            Return m_ImaginaryPart
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Single)
            m_ImaginaryPart = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Constructor using real and imaginary parts.
    Public Sub New(Optional ByVal real_part As Single = _
        0.0, Optional ByVal imaginary_part As Single = 0.0)
        m_RealPart = real_part
        m_ImaginaryPart = imaginary_part
    End Sub

    ' Constructor using a String of the form R + Ii.
    Public Sub New(ByVal string_value As String)
        Dim pos As Integer

        ' Remove spaces and the "i".
        string_value = string_value.Replace(" "c, "")
        string_value = string_value.ToLower.Replace("i"c, _

        ' Find the + or - between the parts.
        Dim plus_or_minus() As Char = {"+"c, "-"c}
        pos = string_value.IndexOfAny(plus_or_minus)
        If pos = 0 Then
            ' Skip the leading +/-.
            pos = string_value.IndexOfAny(plus_or_minus, 1)
        End If

        ' Get the real and imaginary parts.
        m_RealPart = Single.Parse(string_value.Substring(0, _
        m_ImaginaryPart = _
    End Sub

    ' Return the negative of a complex number.
    Public Shared Operator -(ByVal c1 As ComplexNumber) As _
        Return New ComplexNumber( _
            -c1.RealPart, _
    End Operator

    ' Return the sum of two complex numbers.
    Public Shared Operator +(ByVal c1 As ComplexNumber, _
        ByVal c2 As ComplexNumber) As ComplexNumber
        Return New ComplexNumber( _
            c1.RealPart + c2.m_RealPart, _
            c1.ImaginaryPart + c2.m_ImaginaryPart)
    End Operator

    ' Return the difference between two complex numbers.
    Public Shared Operator -(ByVal c1 As ComplexNumber, _
        ByVal c2 As ComplexNumber) As ComplexNumber
        Return c1 + -c2
    End Operator

    ' Return Me * complex_number.
    Public Shared Operator *(ByVal c1 As ComplexNumber, _
        ByVal c2 As ComplexNumber) As ComplexNumber
        Dim re_part As Single = _
            c1.RealPart * c2.RealPart - _
            c1.ImaginaryPart * c2.ImaginaryPart
        Dim im_part As Single = _
            c1.RealPart * c2.ImaginaryPart + _
            c1.ImaginaryPart * c2.RealPart
        Return New ComplexNumber(re_part, im_part)
    End Operator

    ' Return a string representation of this number.
    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
        ' Start with the real part.
        Dim result As String = m_RealPart.ToString()

        ' Add the imaginary part.
        If m_ImaginaryPart >= 0 Then
            result &= " + " & _
                m_ImaginaryPart.ToString() & _
            result &= " - " & _
                (-m_ImaginaryPart).ToString() & _
        End If

        Return result
    End Function
End Class
For more information on algorithms in Visual Basic, see my book Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Algorithms.
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