Title | Measure a process's user, privileged, and total time in VB .NET |
Keywords | user time, privileged time, total time, ellapsed time |
Categories | Software Engineering, Tips and Tricks |
Use the System.Diagnostics.Process namespace's GetCurrentProcess method to get an object containing information about the current process. Use its UserProcessorTime, PrivilegedProcessorTime, and TotalProcessorTime methods to get the process's timing information. as TimeSpans. Use the TimeSpan's Subtract method to find the difference between the values at different times.
Imports System.Diagnostics.Process
Private Sub btnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
Static user_start_time As TimeSpan
Static priv_start_time As TimeSpan
Static totl_start_time As TimeSpan
Static user_stop_time As TimeSpan
Static priv_stop_time As TimeSpan
Static totl_stop_time As TimeSpan
Dim proc As Process
Dim elapsed_time As TimeSpan
If btnStart.Text = "Start" Then
lblUserTime.Text = ""
lblPrivTime.Text = ""
lblTotlTime.Text = ""
proc = GetCurrentProcess()
user_start_time = proc.UserProcessorTime()
priv_start_time = proc.PrivilegedProcessorTime()
totl_start_time = proc.TotalProcessorTime()
btnStart.Text = "Stop"
proc = GetCurrentProcess()
user_stop_time = proc.UserProcessorTime()
elapsed_time = _
lblUserTime.Text = _
priv_stop_time = proc.PrivilegedProcessorTime()
elapsed_time = _
lblPrivTime.Text = _
totl_stop_time = proc.TotalProcessorTime()
elapsed_time = _
lblTotlTime.Text = _
btnStart.Text = "Start"
End If
End Sub