Title | Use a MailMessage object and SmtpMail.Send to send email in Visual Basic .NET |
Description | This example shows how to use a MailMessage object and SmtpMail.Send to send email in Visual Basic .NET |
Keywords | email, mail, MailMessage, SmtpMail.Send, IExplore, VB.NET |
Categories | Office, Software Engineering |
Note that this project requires a reference to System.Web.dll and imports System.Web.Mail.
Create a MailMessage object and set its properties to define the mail message.
If you are behind a firewall, set SmtpMail.SmtpServer to define the mail server.
Then use SmtpMail.Send to send the email.
Dim mail_message As New MailMessage
With mail_message
If txtTo.Text.Trim.Length > 0 Then .To = txtTo.Text.Trim
If txtFrom.Text.Trim.Length > 0 Then .From = _
If txtCc.Text.Trim.Length > 0 Then .Cc = txtCc.Text.Trim
If txtBcc.Text.Trim.Length > 0 Then .Bcc = _
If txtSubject.Text.Trim.Length > 0 Then .Subject = _
If txtBody.Text.Trim.Length > 0 Then .Body = _
Select Case cboPriority.Text
Case "Low"
.Priority = MailPriority.Low
Case "Normal"
.Priority = MailPriority.Normal
Case "High"
.Priority = MailPriority.High
End Select
.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default
End With
' If you're behind a firewall, define your email server.
'SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "MyCompany.Server.com"
' Send the email.