Title | Draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic .NET |
Description | This example shows how to draw a vortex fractal in Visual Basic .NET. |
Keywords | graphics, fractals, vortex, vortex fractal, vortex set, algorithms, complex, complex numbers, iterated system, iteration, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET |
Categories | Algorithms, Graphics, Graphics |
I stumbled across this fractal while trying to draw the Phoenix set. The vortex fractal (a name I picked because some versions of the fractal look like whirling vortices) is generated by iterating the equation:
Zn+1 = Zn2 + Re(C) + Im(C) * Zn-1
Where the Zs and C are complex numbers, C is a constant, and for a point (X, Y):
Z0 = X + Yi
Z1 = X + Yi
The program iterates this equation until the magnitude of Zn is at least 2 or the program performs a maximum number of iterations.
See the code for details.