Title | Warp images in Visual Basic .NET |
Description | This example shows how to warp images in Visual Basic .NET. |
Keywords | graphics, image processing, warp, fish eye, twist, wave, VB.NET |
Categories | Graphics, VB.NET |
Use the File menu's Open command to load a picture. When you use the ComboBox to select a warping transformation, the program warps the i mage and displays the result.
You can't directly map the input image's pixels to the output image. If you do, some pixels don't map to integral positions so the result has holes and color discontinuities.
The key is to map pixels in the output image back to the positions they should have come from in the input image. For output position (x1, y1), you get an input position (x0, y0) where x0 and y0 are not necessarily integers. You then use a weighted average of the pixels surrounding (x1, y1) in the input image to determine the color of the output pixel.
The following code warps an image. It loops over the output image's pixels and calls subroutine MapPixel to map back to the input image position (x0, y0). It then calculates a weighted average for the result pixel's color.
' Transform the image.
Private Sub TransformImage(ByVal bm_src As Bitmap, ByVal _
bm_dest As Bitmap, ByVal warp_op As WarpOperations)
' Find image information.
Dim xmid As Double = bm_dest.Width / 2
Dim ymid As Double = bm_dest.Height / 2
Dim rmax As Double = bm_dest.Width * 0.75
Dim ix_max As Integer = bm_src.Width - 2
Dim iy_max As Integer = bm_src.Height - 2
' Generate a result for each output pixel.
Dim x0 As Double
Dim y0 As Double
For y1 As Integer = 0 To bm_dest.Height - 1
For x1 As Integer = 0 To bm_dest.Width - 1
' Map back to the source image.
MapPixel(warp_op, xmid, ymid, rmax, x1, y1, x0, _
' Interpolate to get the result pixel's value.
' Find the next smaller integral position.
Dim ix0 As Integer = CInt(Int(x0))
Dim iy0 As Integer = CInt(Int(y0))
' See if this is out of bounds.
If (ix0 < 0) Or (ix0 > ix_max) Or _
(iy0 < 0) Or (iy0 > iy_max) _
' The point is outside the image. Use white.
bm_dest.SetPixel(x1, y1, Color.White)
' The point lies within the image.
' Calculate its value.
Dim dx0 As Double = x0 - ix0
Dim dy0 As Double = y0 - iy0
Dim dx1 As Double = 1 - dx0
Dim dy1 As Double = 1 - dy0
' Get the colors of the surrounding pixels.
Dim color00 As Color = bm_src.GetPixel(ix0, _
Dim color01 As Color = bm_src.GetPixel(ix0, _
iy0 + 1)
Dim color10 As Color = bm_src.GetPixel(ix0 _
+ 1, iy0)
Dim color11 As Color = bm_src.GetPixel(ix0 _
+ 1, iy0 + 1)
' Compute the weighted average.
Dim r As Integer = CInt( _
color00.R * dx1 * dy1 + color01.R * dx1 _
* dy0 + _
color10.R * dx0 * dy1 + color11.R * dx0 _
* dy0 _
Dim g As Integer = CInt( _
color00.G * dx1 * dy1 + color01.G * dx1 _
* dy0 + _
color10.G * dx0 * dy1 + color11.G * dx0 _
* dy0 _
Dim b As Integer = CInt( _
color00.B * dx1 * dy1 + color01.B * dx1 _
* dy0 + _
color10.B * dx0 * dy1 + color11.B * dx0 _
* dy0 _
bm_dest.SetPixel(x1, y1, _
Color.FromArgb(255, r, g, b))
End If
Next x1
Next y1
End Sub
Subroutine MapPixel maps a result position (x1, y1) back to an input position (x0, y0). It uses a Select Case statement to apply different warping methods depending on the selection you make in the ComboBox.
' Map the output pixel (x1, y1) back to the input pixel
' (x0, y0).
Private Sub MapPixel(ByVal warp_op As WarpOperations, ByVal _
xmid As Double, ByVal ymid As Double, ByVal rmax As _
Double, ByVal x1 As Integer, ByVal y1 As Integer, ByRef _
x0 As Double, ByRef y0 As Double)
Const PI_OVER_2 As Double = PI / 2
Const K As Double = 50
Const OFFSET As Double = -PI_OVER_2
Dim dx As Double
Dim dy As Double
Dim r1 As Double
Dim r2 As Double
Select Case warp_op
Case WarpOperations.opIdentity
x0 = x1
y0 = y1
Case WarpOperations.opFishEye
dx = x1 - xmid
dy = y1 - ymid
r1 = Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
If r1 = 0 Then
x0 = xmid
y0 = ymid
r2 = rmax / 2 * (1 / (1 - r1 / rmax) - 1)
x0 = dx * r2 / r1 + xmid
y0 = dy * r2 / r1 + ymid
End If
Case WarpOperations.opTwist
dx = x1 - xmid
dy = y1 - ymid
r1 = Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
If r1 = 0 Then
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
Dim theta As Double = Atan2(dx, dy) - r1 / _
x0 = r1 * Cos(theta)
y0 = r1 * Sin(theta)
End If
x0 = x0 + xmid
y0 = y0 + ymid
Case WarpOperations.opWave
x0 = x1
y0 = y1 - 10 * (Sin(x1 / 50 * PI) + 1) + 5
Case WarpOperations.opSmallTop
dx = xmid - x1
dx = dx * ymid * 2 / (y1 + 1)
x0 = xmid - dx
y0 = y1
Case WarpOperations.opWiggles
dx = xmid - x1
dx = dx * (Sin(y1 / 50 * PI) / 2 + 1.5)
x0 = xmid - dx
y0 = y1
Case WarpOperations.opDoubleWave
x0 = x1 - 10 * (Sin(y1 / 50 * PI) + 1) + 5
y0 = y1 - 10 * (Sin(x1 / 50 * PI) + 1) + 5
Case Else ' Flip vertically and horizontally.
x0 = 2 * xmid - x1
y0 = 2 * ymid - y1
End Select
End Sub
My book Visual Basic Graphics Programming explains this type of image warping in greater detail. In particular, it explains how to use bilinear interpolation to calculate weighted averages of pixels. The book is written for VB 5/6 but many of these higher-level concepts still apply in VB .NET.