Title | Determine what FRM, BAS, OCX, and CLS files a project file references |
Description | This example shows how to determine what FRM, BAS, OCX, and CLS files a project file references in Visual Basic 6. It opens the VBP file and looks for the referenced file names. |
Keywords | VBP, files |
Categories | Strings, Files and Directories |
The program reads the VBP file one line at a time looking for lines that end with .FRM, .BAS, .CLS, or .OCX. It parses the file names out of those lines and adds them to the appropriate list.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim file_num As Integer
Dim file_name As String
Dim file_line As String
Dim ext As String
Dim pos As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number Then Exit Sub
file_num = FreeFile()
file_name = FileDialog.FileTitle
Open file_name For Input As file_num
Do While Not EOF(file_num)
' Read the next line from the file.
Line Input #file_num, file_line
file_line = Trim$(file_line)
' Read the extension from the end
' of the line.
ext = UCase$(Right$(file_line, 4))
Select Case ext
Case ".FRM"
pos = InStr(file_line, "=")
file_name = Trim$(Mid$(file_line, pos + 1, _
Len(file_line) - pos))
FrmFiles.AddItem file_name
Case ".BAS"
pos = InStr(file_line, ";")
file_name = Trim$(Mid$(file_line, pos + 1, _
Len(file_line) - pos))
BasFiles.AddItem file_name
Case ".CLS"
pos = InStr(file_line, ";")
file_name = Trim$(Mid$(file_line, pos + 1, _
Len(file_line) - pos))
ClsFiles.AddItem file_name
Case ".OCX"
pos = InStr(file_line, ";")
file_name = Trim$(Mid$(file_line, pos + 1, _
Len(file_line) - pos))
OcxFiles.AddItem file_name
End Select
Close file_num
End Sub