Title | Position a popup form over a PictureBox in Visual Basic 6 |
Description | This example shows how to position a popup form over a PictureBox in Visual Basic 6. |
Keywords | popup, position popup, PictureBox, Visual Basic, ClientToScreen, ShowWindow, SetWindowPos |
Categories | Software Engineering, API, Controls |
When the program's main form loads, the code uses the SetWindowPos API function to make the popup form a topmost window.
' Make the popup form topmost.
Private Sub Form_Load()
SetWindowPos frmPopup.hwnd, _
HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, _
End Sub
When you click the PictureBox, the following code executes. It uses the ClientToScreen API function to find the TextBox's position in screen coordinates. It calculates the width and height of the PictureBox and converts all dimensions into twips.
If you clicked the rigfht button on the PictureBox, the code expands the area a bit to cover the PictureBox's borders. Otherwise the area only covers the PictureBox's interior.
The code moves the popup form to the calculated location with the calculated size, and uses the ShowWindow API function to display the form without giving it the focus. Click on the popup to make it go away.
' Position the popup.
Private Sub picSun_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As _
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
' Find the PictureBox's location on the screen.
pt.X = 0
pt.Y = 0
ClientToScreen picSun.hwnd, pt
' Calculate the width and height.
Dim popup_x As Single
Dim popup_y As Single
Dim popup_wid As Single
Dim popup_hgt As Single
popup_x = ScaleX(pt.X, vbPixels, vbTwips)
popup_y = ScaleY(pt.Y, vbPixels, vbTwips)
popup_wid = ScaleX(picSun.ScaleWidth, picSun.ScaleMode, _
popup_hgt = ScaleY(picSun.ScaleHeight, _
picSun.ScaleMode, vbTwips)
' If this is the right mouse button, add a margin
' so it covers a bit more than the PictureBox.
Const MARGIN As Single = 60 ' Twips.
If Button = vbRightButton Then
popup_x = popup_x - MARGIN
popup_y = popup_y - MARGIN
popup_wid = popup_wid + 2 * MARGIN
popup_hgt = popup_hgt + 2 * MARGIN
End If
' Position the popup.
frmPopup.Move popup_x, popup_y, popup_wid, popup_hgt
' Display the popup.
ShowWindow frmPopup.hwnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE
End Sub