Private StartTime As Date
' Load and display the program's usage information.
Private Sub LoadUsageInfo()
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim usage As Date
' Open the file and read the value.
fnum = FreeFile
On Error GoTo NoFile
Open App.Path & "\usage.dat" For Input As fnum
Input #fnum, usage
Close fnum
' Display the current usage.
On Error GoTo 0
lblUsage.Caption = Format$(usage, "hh:mm:ss")
End Sub
' Save the new total usage.
' Note that this routine is not really safe for
' multiple instances. Another instance of the
' program could possibly update the usage file
' between the time we read it anad the time we
' rewrite it. If this is an issue, lock another
' file while we need exclusive access to this one
' so no other process can get in.
Private Sub UpdateUsageInfo()
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim usage As Date
' Open the file and read the value. This is
' important in case someone else used the
' program while we were using it.
fnum = FreeFile
On Error GoTo NoFile
Open App.Path & "\usage.dat" For Input As fnum
Input #fnum, usage
Close fnum
' Add the usage for this run.
On Error GoTo 0
usage = usage + (Now - StartTime)
' Rewrite the file.
Open App.Path & "\usage.dat" For Output As fnum
Write #fnum, usage
Close fnum
' Update StartTime. This is useful if the
' program updates the total usage more than once.
StartTime = Now
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Record the start time for this session.
StartTime = Now
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub