Private Type NoteRecord
Date1 As String * 6
Who As String * 10
From As String * 10
Note As String * 60
Id As String * 6
Date2 As String * 6
End Type
' Load the records.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
Dim file_name As String
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim note_record As NoteRecord
' Load controls.
For i = 1 To 9
Load txtDate1(i): txtDate1(i).Move txtDate1(i - _
1).Left, txtDate1(i - 1).Top + txtDate1(i - _
1).Height, txtDate1(i - 1).Width, txtDate1(i - _
1).Height: txtDate1(i).Visible = True
Load txtWho(i): txtWho(i).Move txtWho(i - 1).Left, _
txtDate1(i).Top, txtWho(i - 1).Width, txtWho(i _
- 1).Height: txtWho(i).Visible = True
Load txtFrom(i): txtFrom(i).Move txtFrom(i - _
1).Left, txtDate1(i).Top, txtFrom(i - 1).Width, _
txtFrom(i - 1).Height: txtFrom(i).Visible = True
Load txtNote(i): txtNote(i).Move txtNote(i - _
1).Left, txtDate1(i).Top, txtNote(i - 1).Width, _
txtNote(i - 1).Height: txtNote(i).Visible = True
Load txtId(i): txtId(i).Move txtId(i - 1).Left, _
txtDate1(i).Top, txtId(i - 1).Width, txtId(i - _
1).Height: txtId(i).Visible = True
Load txtDate2(i): txtDate2(i).Move txtDate2(i - _
1).Left, txtDate1(i).Top, txtDate2(i - _
1).Width, txtDate2(i - 1).Height: _
txtDate2(i).Visible = True
Load cmdDelete(i): cmdDelete(i).Move cmdDelete(i - _
1).Left, txtDate1(i).Top, cmdDelete(i - _
1).Width, cmdDelete(i - 1).Height: _
cmdDelete(i).Visible = True
Next i
' Open the data file.
file_name = App.Path
If Right$(file_name, 1) <> "\" Then file_name = _
file_name & "\"
file_name = file_name & "records.txt"
fnum = FreeFile
Open file_name For Random As fnum Len = Len(note_record)
' Read the records.
For i = 0 To 9
Get #fnum, i + 1, note_record
txtDate1(i).Text = Trim$(note_record.Date1)
txtWho(i).Text = Trim$(note_record.Who)
txtFrom(i).Text = Trim$(note_record.From)
txtNote(i).Text = Trim$(note_record.Note)
txtId(i).Text = Trim$(note_record.Id)
txtDate2(i).Text = Trim$(note_record.Date2)
Next i
' Close the file.
Close #fnum
End Sub
' Save the modified records.
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim file_name As String
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim note_record As NoteRecord
' Open the data file.
file_name = App.Path
If Right$(file_name, 1) <> "\" Then file_name = _
file_name & "\"
file_name = file_name & "records.txt"
fnum = FreeFile
Open file_name For Random As fnum Len = Len(note_record)
' Save the records.
For i = 0 To 9
note_record.Date1 = txtDate1(i).Text
note_record.Who = txtWho(i).Text
note_record.From = txtFrom(i).Text
note_record.Note = txtNote(i).Text
note_record.Id = txtId(i).Text
note_record.Date2 = txtDate2(i).Text
Put #fnum, i + 1, note_record
Next i
' Close the file.
Close #fnum
End Sub