Title | Randomize a 2-dimensional array |
Description | This example shows how to randomize a 2-dimensional array in Visual Basic 6 using the unsorting algorithm described in my book "Ready-ro-Run Visual Basic Algorithms." |
Keywords | array, random, randomize, 2-dimensional array |
Categories | Algorithms |
This program uses a modified version of the unsorting algorithm described in my book Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Algorithms.
For each item, the algorithm randomly selects an item at that position or later in the array and swaps the two. This produces a randomized list. See my book for a proof.
' Assumes the array should be dimensioned
' as in Numbers(1 To Max1, 1 To Max2).
Private Sub RandomizeArray()
Dim max_cell As Integer
Dim i1 As Integer
Dim j1 As Integer
Dim i2 As Integer
Dim j2 As Integer
Dim index1 As Integer
Dim index2 As Integer
Dim tmp As Integer
' Randomize the array.
max_cell = Max1 * Max2
For index1 = 1 To max_cell - 1
' Pick a random entry.
index2 = Int((max_cell - index1 + 1) * Rnd + index1)
' Convert to 2-dimensional indexing.
i1 = ((index1 - 1) \ Max2) + 1
j1 = index1 - (i1 - 1) * Max2
i2 = ((index2 - 1) \ Max2) + 1
j2 = index2 - (i2 - 1) * Max2
' Swap the numbers.
tmp = Numbers(i1, j1)
Numbers(i1, j1) = Numbers(i2, j2)
Numbers(i2, j2) = tmp
Next index1
End Sub