Title | Draw a rotated ellipse |
Keywords | ellipse, rotate |
Categories | Graphics |
Iterate an angle theta from 0 to 2 * PI radians. For each value of theta, X = wid * Cos(theta) and Y = hgt * Sin(theta) represents a point on the ellipse centered at the origin.
Rotate the ellipse by applying the equations:
RX = X * cos_angle + Y * sin_angle
RY = -X * sin_angle + Y * cos_angle
Then add a translation to center the ellipse at (cx, cy).
' Draw an ellipse centered at (cx, cy) with dimensions
' wid and hgt rotated angle degrees.
Private Sub DrawEllipse(ByVal cx As Single, ByVal cy As _
Single, ByVal wid As Single, ByVal hgt As Single, ByVal _
angle As Single)
Const PI = 3.14159265
Dim sin_angle As Single
Dim cos_angle As Single
Dim theta As Single
Dim dtheta As Single
Dim X As Single ' A point on the ellipse.
Dim Y As Single
Dim RX As Single ' The point rotated.
Dim RY As Single
angle = angle * PI / 180
sin_angle = Sin(angle)
cos_angle = Cos(angle)
theta = 0
dtheta = 2 * PI / 50
' Find the first point.
X = wid * Cos(theta)
Y = hgt * Sin(theta)
RX = cx + X * cos_angle + Y * sin_angle
RY = cy - X * sin_angle + Y * cos_angle
CurrentX = RX
CurrentY = RY
Do While theta < 2 * PI
theta = theta + dtheta
X = wid * Cos(theta)
Y = hgt * Sin(theta)
RX = cx + X * cos_angle + Y * sin_angle
RY = cy - X * sin_angle + Y * cos_angle
Line -(RX, RY)
End Sub
For a lot more information on drawing graphical objects rotated, translated, stretched, and projected from three dimensions into two, see my book Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Graphics Programming.