Title | Display tips in a rounded popup form |
Description | This example shows how to display tips in a rounded popup form in Visual Basic 6. It uses the CreateRoundRectRgn API function to make a rounded rectangle region for the form and then uses the SetWindowRgn API function to restrict the form to that region. |
Keywords | form, help, tip, rounded rectangle, region, SetWindowRgn |
Categories | Controls, Software Engineering, API |
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.AlwaysOnTop = True
Dim lRet As Long
' DrawText is a Normal Integer Call, not a Long.
Dim iDrawTxt As Integer, sHelp As String
' Region dimensions X1/X2, Y1/Y2
Dim lTipWidth As Long, lTipHeight As Long
' Corner Radius for the round rectangle.
Dim lCorner As Long
' All the tip and form parameters, have
' been set in the SetHelpText function, so
' we can say the loading is happening.
gbTipLoaded = True
frmMain.sbWizard.Caption = "Double-Click the Tip window " & _
"to close it."
' Corner radius in Points. Its a rounded rectangle
' so the API wants this factor, adjust to suit.
' It could also be adjusted, depending on Screen
' Metrics.
lCorner = 36
Me.Left = Screen.Width - Me.Width
Me.Top = Screen.Height - (Me.Height + 400)
lTipWidth = Me.ScaleWidth
lTipHeight = Me.ScaleHeight
' System colors can't be set at Design time, so let the
' OS tell us.
Me.BackColor = vbInfoBackground
Me.ForeColor = vbInfoText
' Set up the Text drawing rectangle.
tipRC.Top = lCorner / 2
tipRC.Left = lCorner / 2
tipRC.Right = Me.ScaleWidth - lCorner / 2
tipRC.Bottom = Me.ScaleHeight - lCorner / 2
mlTipBox = CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, lTipWidth, _
lTipHeight, lCorner, lCorner)
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(vbDesktop)
lRet = FrameRgn(Me.hDC, mlTipBox, hBrush, 3, 3)
lRet = SetWindowRgn(Me.hWnd, mlTipBox, True)
' Get the help text for this call.
sHelp = gsHelp(TipID)
' If the text string is Null Terminated, this -1
' version is ok.
' Check the SDK or Dan Appleman's 32-bit API Guide for
' other DT_variations.
'iDrawTxt = DrawText(hDC, sHelp, -1, tipRC,
' If its from a file or other, better use its length
' (Len(sHelp).
' This first call sets up to calculate the drawn size.
' DT_CALCRECT constant.
iDrawTxt = DrawText(hDC, sHelp, Len(sHelp), tipRC, _
Me.Refresh ' This clears the drawing area of any e-junk
' from this above.
' This second one draws it.
iDrawTxt = DrawText(hDC, sHelp, Len(sHelp), tipRC, _
End Sub