Title | Set the system's colors (window background, highlight, text, etc.) |
Description | This example shows how to set the system's colors (window background, highlight, text, etc.) in Visual Basic 6. |
Keywords | system color, color |
Categories | Windows, Graphics |
When the form loads, it fills two collections with the system colors' names and numberic codes. It then displays the names and samples of the colors in labels.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Const XGAP = 240
Const YGAP = 30
Dim xspacing As Single
Dim yspacing As Single
Dim i As Integer
Dim X1 As Single
Dim X2 As Single
Dim Y As Single
Set ColorNumbers = New Collection
Set ColorNames = New Collection
Set ColorValues = New Collection
' Load the color names and numbers.
' Get the color values.
For i = 1 To ColorNames.Count
ColorValues.Add GetSysColor(ColorNumbers(i))
Next i
' Display the colors.
yspacing = lblColor(0).Height + YGAP
xspacing = lblName(0).Left + _
lblName(0).Width - lblColor(0).Left + XGAP
Y = lblName(0).Top
X1 = lblName(0).Left
X2 = lblColor(0).Left
For i = 1 To ColorNames.Count
Load lblName(i)
With lblName(i)
.Left = X1
.Top = Y
.Caption = ColorNames(i)
.Visible = True
End With
Load lblColor(i)
With lblColor(i)
.Left = X2
.Top = Y
.BackColor = ColorValues(i)
.Visible = True
End With
If i Mod 10 = 0 Then
X1 = X1 + xspacing
X2 = X2 + xspacing
Y = lblName(0).Top
Y = Y + yspacing
End If
Next i
' Size the form.
Width = lblName(ColorNames.Count).Left + _
Height = Height - ScaleHeight + _
lblColor(10).Top + _
lblColor(10).Height + 120
End Sub
Later iwhen the user clicks on a color sample, the program displays a color selection dialog. If the user picks a color and clicks OK, the program uses the SetSysColors API function to change the corresponding system color.
' Let the user select the color for this value.
Private Sub lblColor_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim color_number As Long
Dim color_value As Long
dlgSelectColor.Color = ColorValues(Index)
dlgSelectColor.CancelError = True
' Present the color selection dialog.
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
' Change the color.
color_number = ColorNumbers(Index)
color_value = dlgSelectColor.Color
SetSysColors 1, color_number, color_value
lblColor(Index).BackColor = color_value
End Sub
Note that changing the system colors may be very annoying to users. You may at least want to save the
colors before you change them so you can restore them later.