Title | Sort the columns in an MSFlexGrid control by using a Data control |
Keywords | FlexGrid, sort, grid, Data control |
Categories | Controls, Algorithms |
Thanks to Eric Groen.
When the user clicks on a column, rebuild the Data control's RecordSource property so it fetches the data again in the right order.
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click()
Static i As Integer
Dim SQLQuery As String
Dim strVar As String
Dim blnDiff As Boolean
i = i + 1 'Default 'ORDER BY' clause = 'ASC' (i = 1);
If i > 1 Then i = 0 'when i > 1 then i = 0 which
' corresponds to 'ORDER BY' clause = 'DESC'
With MSFlexGrid1
If .Row > 1 Then Exit Sub 'Only header responds
' to click-event.
SQLQuery = strSELECT & strTABLE & strORDERBY & _
.TextMatrix(0, .Col)
strVar = .TextMatrix(0, .Col)
'If current field is unequal to previous field then
' retrieve default 'ORDER BY' clause.
If (strVar <> strCons) Then
strCons = " ASC"
End If
blnDiff = CBool(strVar <> strCons)
If .Row = 1 Then
'When unequal then retrieve default 'ORDER BY'
' clause...:
If (i = 0 Or i = 1) And blnDiff Then
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & strCons
'...when equal then retrieve default 'ORDER
' BY' clause when you click on
'another fieldheader:
If i = 1 Then
If Right(strSQL, 4) = "DESC" Then
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & " ASC"
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & " DESC"
End If
If Right(strSQL, 4) = " ASC" Then
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & " DESC"
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & " ASC"
End If
End If
End If
End If
strCons = .TextMatrix(0, .Col)
Call ExecuteSQL(SQLQuery)
Caption = strSQL
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ExecuteSQL(strQuery As String)
On Error GoTo Error_ExecuteSQL
Data1.RecordSource = strQuery
strSQL = strQuery
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 3075 Then
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, CStr("Error: " _
& Err.Number)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub