Title | Display the standard icons used by MsgBox (exclamation, information, etc.) with LoadImage |
Keywords | icon, standard icon, MsgBox, exclamation, information, question, critical, winlogo, API, LoadImage |
Categories | Graphics |
Use the GetSystemMetrics API function to see how big icons are on the system. Use the LoadImage API function to load the icons and use the DrawIcon function to display them.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim h_icon As Long
Dim icon_wid As Long
Dim icon_hgt As Long
Dim icons As Collection
Dim i As Integer
' See how big the icons are.
icon_wid = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON)
icon_hgt = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON)
ScaleMode = vbPixels
' Make a list of the icons.
Set icons = New Collection
icons.Add OIC_BANG
icons.Add OIC_HAND
icons.Add OIC_NOTE
icons.Add OIC_QUES
icons.Add OIC_SAMPLE
' Draw the icons.
For i = 1 To icons.Count
If i > 1 Then
Load picIcon(i - 1)
picIcon(i - 1).Left = picIcon(i - 2).Left + _
picIcon(i - 2).Width + picIcon(0).Left
End If
With picIcon(i - 1)
.BorderStyle = vbBSNone
.Width = icon_wid
.Height = icon_hgt
.AutoRedraw = True
h_icon = LoadImage(0, icons(i), _
IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, _
DrawIcon .hdc, 0, 0, h_icon
.Visible = True
DestroyIcon h_icon
End With
Next i
ScaleMode = vbTwips
Width = picIcon(i - 2).Left + picIcon(i - 2).Width + _
picIcon(0).Left + Width - ScaleWidth
Height = 2 * picIcon(0).Top + picIcon(0).Height + _
Height - ScaleHeight
End Sub