Title | Upload files to keep files on a Web server synchronized with files in a directory in Visual Basic 6 |
Description | This example shows how to upload files to keep files on a Web server synchronized with files in a directory in Visual Basic 6. It uses the Internet Transfer Control to move the files. It uses a file list file on the server to keep track of the server files' last modification dates. |
Keywords | upload, synchronize, Web server |
Categories | Internet, Utilities, Controls |
For example, you could use this program to keep a Web site or customer download area up to date.
This is a fairly complicated example so not all of the code is covered here. Download the project and read the code for details.
When you click the List Files button, the program calls subroutine GetLocalFileData to get the names and modification dates of the files in a local directory. It then downloads a file named filelist from the target Web server directory. This file begins with a line identifying it as a file list. It then contains lines giving a file name and the last modification date on the server.
The program loops through the entries in the file and adds their dates to the local file data in the m_FileData collection. The code then loops through the file data collection adding the name of each file and its last local and remote modification dates to a ListView control. It checks the checkbox next to entries for files where the local modification date is later than the remote modification date, indicating that a newer vesion of the file is available locally.
' Get the remote list of files and update times.
' Compare this to the modification times of the files
' in the local directory.
Private Sub cmdListFiles_Click()
Dim file_list_text As String
Dim lines() As String
Dim fields() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim file_data As FileData
Dim new_item As ListItem
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
' Get the parameters.
m_FromDir = txtFromDirectory.Text
If Right$(m_FromDir, 1) <> "\" Then m_FromDir = _
m_FromDir & "\"
m_HostName = txtHostName.Text
If LCase$(Left$(m_HostName, 6)) = "ftp://" Then _
m_HostName = Mid$(m_HostName, 7)
If LCase$(Left$(m_HostName, 7)) = "http://" Then _
m_HostName = Mid$(m_HostName, 8)
m_FtpRoot = txtFtpRoot.Text
If Left$(m_FtpRoot, 1) <> "/" Then m_FtpRoot = "/" & _
m_ToDir = txtToDirectory.Text
If Left$(m_ToDir, 1) <> "/" Then m_ToDir = "/" & m_ToDir
m_UserName = txtUserName.Text
m_Password = txtPassword.Text
' Get information about the local files.
Set m_FileData = GetLocalFileData(m_FromDir)
' Get the remote list of files.
m_RemoteListFile = m_HostName & m_ToDir & "/filelist"
m_LocalListFile = m_FromDir & "filelist"
Select Case DownloadFile("http://" & m_RemoteListFile, _
Case dl_Error
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
Exit Sub
Case dl_Ok
' Read the file.
file_list_text = _
' Verify that it looks like a file list.
If Left$(file_list_text, Len(FILELIST_HEADER)) _
' Assume all files are out of date.
file_list_text = ""
On Error Resume Next
Kill m_LocalListFile
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Case dl_NotFound
' All files are out of date.
file_list_text = ""
End Select
' Set the remote dates for the files.
lines = Split(file_list_text, vbCrLf)
For i = LBound(lines) + 1 To UBound(lines)
' Skip blank lines.
If Len(lines(i)) > 0 Then
fields = Split(lines(i), ",")
' Get the file's FileData.
On Error Resume Next
Set file_data = m_FileData(fields(0))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
file_data.RemoteDate = CDate(fields(1))
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i
' Display the list of files.
For Each file_data In m_FileData
If file_data.FileName <> "filelist" Then
Set new_item = _
new_item.ListSubItems.Add _
new_item.ListSubItems.Add _
new_item.Checked = file_data.RemoteDate < _
End If
Next file_data
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
Subroutine GetLocalFileData uses the Dir statement to find the normal files in the selected local directory. It makes a FileData object for each file and sets the object's FileName and LocalDate properties. It initializes the object's RemoteDate property to 1/1/1980 12:00:01AM so, if a file isn't present in the remote file list, the local date will be newer than this default date so the program will upload the file.
' Get information about the local files.
Private Function GetLocalFileData(ByVal from_dir As String) _
As Collection
Dim results As Collection
Dim file_name As String
Dim file_data As FileData
Set results = New Collection
file_name = Dir$(from_dir & "*.*", vbNormal)
Do While Len(file_name) > 0
Set file_data = New FileData
file_data.FileName = file_name
file_data.LocalDate = FileDateTime(from_dir & _
file_data.RemoteDate = #1/1/1980 12:00:01 AM#
results.Add file_data, file_name
file_name = Dir$(, vbNormal)
Set GetLocalFileData = results
End Function
When you click the Upload button, the program loops through the items in the ListView control and uploads those that are checked. If an upload is successful, the program unchecks the item's check box and sets its remote modification date equal to the local modification date.
Next the program builds a new file list file containing the names and remote modification dates for the files, and it uploads the new file.
' Upload checked files.
Private Sub cmdUpload_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim file_list_text As String
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
For i = 1 To lvwFiles.ListItems.Count
If lvwFiles.ListItems(i).Checked Then
If Not UploadFile( _
m_FromDir & lvwFiles.ListItems(i).Text, _
m_FtpRoot & m_ToDir & "/" & _
lvwFiles.ListItems(i).Text, _
"ftp://" & m_HostName, _
m_UserName, _
m_Password) _
If MsgBox("Continue?", _
vbYesNo Or vbQuestion, _
"Continue?") = vbNo _
Exit For
End If
End If
lvwFiles.ListItems(i).Checked = False
lvwFiles.ListItems(i).SubItems(2) = _
End If
Next i
' Upload a new file list.
' Build the list.
file_list_text = FILELIST_HEADER
For i = 1 To lvwFiles.ListItems.Count
file_list_text = file_list_text & vbCrLf & _
lvwFiles.ListItems(i).Text & "," & _
Next i
' Save the list.
SetFileContents m_LocalListFile, file_list_text
' Upload the new list.
UploadFile m_LocalListFile, _
m_FtpRoot & m_ToDir & "/filelist", _
"ftp://" & m_HostName, m_UserName, m_Password
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
MsgBox "Upload complete", vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, _
End Sub