Title | Total the values in a specific field in a comma-separated value (CSV) file |
Keywords | CSV, comma-separated value, total, fields |
Categories | Files and Directories |
Read the file into a string. Use Split to break it into lines.
For each line, use Split to break the line into fields. Total the desired field.
Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
Dim file_num As Integer
Dim txt As String
Dim lines() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim fields() As String
Dim delimiter As String
Dim field_num As Integer
Dim total As Long
delimiter = txtDelimiter.Text
field_num = txtField.Text
' Read the file.
file_num = FreeFile
Open txtFilename.Text For Input As #file_num
txt = Input(LOF(file_num), file_num)
Close #file_num
' Process the lines.
lines = Split(txt, vbCrLf)
For i = LBound(lines) To UBound(lines)
' Break the line into fields.
fields = Split(lines(i), delimiter)
If UBound(fields) >= field_num Then
total = total + CLng(fields(field_num))
End If
' Display the value.
lstValues.AddItem lines(i)
Next i
' Display the total.
MsgBox "Total: " & Format$(total)
End Sub