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TitleUpdate last modification and access times (touch)
Keywordsmodification, access, last modification time, last access time, touch, file, update, file times
CategoriesFiles and Directories
Sometimes it is convenient to modify a file's lasst access and modification time. For example, my system's clock was messed up for a while so I had several files with creation dates more than a year in the future. Also when people email me old files, their creation dates are long ago. When I list these files in Windows Explorer, I want to see them most-recent-on-top.

Unix systems have a touch command that sets a file's last modification time to the current time. That's what this example does.

This program uses Command$ to look through its command line parameters. For each file listed, the program uses the SetFileTime API function to update the file's last modification time. That counts as a file access so it automatically updates the file's last access time. See the code for a LOT of details.

' Set the modification time for the files listed
' in the programs command line parameters.
Private Sub Main()
Dim commands As String
Dim file_name As String
Dim pos As Integer
Dim time_now As Date

    time_now = Now

    ' Get the command line arguments.
    commands = Command$
    Do While Len(commands) > 0
        ' Get the next file's name.
        pos = InStr(commands, " ")
        If pos = 0 Then
            file_name = commands
            commands = ""
            file_name = Left$(commands, pos - 1)
            commands = Trim$(Mid$(commands, pos + 1))
        End If

        ' Update the file's last modification time. Note
        ' that
        ' setting the modification time counts as accessing
        ' the file so it also sets the last access time.
        If SetFileModifiedDate(file_name, time_now, True) _
            MsgBox "Error setting last modification time " & _
                "for " & _
        End If
End Sub

' Return True if there is an error.
Public Function SetFileModifiedDate(ByVal file_name As _
    String, ByVal modified_date As Date, ByVal local_times _
    As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim file_handle As Long
Dim modified_filetime As FILETIME
Dim file_time As FILETIME

    ' Assume something will fail.
    SetFileModifiedDate = True

    ' Convert the date into a FILETIME.
    modified_filetime = DateToFileTime(modified_date)

    ' Convert the file time into a system file time.
    If local_times Then
        LocalFileTimeToFileTime modified_filetime, file_time
        modified_filetime = file_time
    End If

    ' Open the file.
    file_handle = CreateFile(file_name, GENERIC_WRITE, _
        0&, OPEN_EXISTING, 0&, 0&)
    If file_handle = 0 Then Exit Function

    ' Set the time.
    If SetFileModifiedTime(file_handle, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, _
        modified_filetime) = 0 Then
        CloseHandle file_handle
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Close the file.
    If CloseHandle(file_handle) = 0 Then Exit Function

    SetFileModifiedDate = False
End Function
You can use the program in at least three ways:
  • Drag and drop files onto the program's executable
  • Run it at a DOS prompt, as in touch.exe file1 file2 file3
  • Install the program in Windows Explorer's Send To menu and send files to it
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