Private Function InputDateFormat() As String
'this creates the date format to check with Format in
' IsValidDate
Select Case LocalDMY
Case 0
InputDateFormat = "m" & LocalDateDiv & "d" & _
LocalDateDiv & "yy"
Case 1
InputDateFormat = "d" & LocalDateDiv & "m" & _
LocalDateDiv & "yy"
Case 2
InputDateFormat = "yy" & LocalDateDiv & "m" & _
LocalDateDiv & "d"
End Select
End Function
Public Function IsValidDate(ByVal txt As String, _
Optional strFormat As String) _
As Boolean
'internationalized version
'Optionally returns the format that it recognised
'otherwise for days whose number is < 12 you may not be
' sure
'if 2/12/99 is 2nd December or 12th Febuary if you don't
'know which system your machine is using
strFormat = InputDateFormat
On Error GoTo DoneChecking
IsValidDate = (Format$(CDate(txt), strFormat) = txt)
Exit Function
strFormat = "INVALID DATE: " & txt & " Check format = " & _
End Function
Public Function LocalDateDiv() As String
' gets the local date divisor
LocalDateDiv = LocalizationData(LOCALE_SDATE)
End Function
Public Function LocalDMY() As Integer
'gets the D M Y order
'Returns 0,1, or 2
'0 Month-Day-Year
'1 Day-Month-Year
'2 Year-Month-Day
LocalDMY = LocalizationData(LOCALE_ILDATE)
'LocalDMY = LocalizationData(LOCALE_IDATE) would also work
'(I can't imagine anyone uses different ones in a single
' local)
End Function
Public Function LocalizationData(ByVal LData As Long) As _
'This is a general routine to read whatever bit of data
'you want based on the constants fed to it as LData
Dim stBuff As String * 255
Dim Ret As Long
Ret = GetLocaleInfo(1024, LData, ByVal stBuff, _
If Ret Then
LocalizationData = Left$(stBuff, Ret - _
IIf(StrConv(stBuff, vbFromUnicode) = stBuff, 0, 1))
'NOTE the IIf bit of code determines whether you are
' dealing with an ASCII or UniCode system and
'trims the string accordingly
End If
End Function
Public Function LocalLongDate() As String
LocalLongDate = LocalizationData(LOCALE_SLONGDATE)
End Function
Public Function LocalShortDate() As String
LocalShortDate = LocalizationData(LOCALE_SSHORTDATE)
End Function