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TitleValidate phone numbers, zip codes, and Canadian postal codes
Keywordsvalidate, validation, phone number, Zip code, Canadian postal codes, postal code, Canada
CategoriesSoftware Engineering
Use the LIKE statement to validate the format. The functions used in this program make validating these fields easy.
' Validate a phone number. If there is an error,
' tell the user and return True.
Public Function ValidatePhoneNumber(ByVal text_box As _
    TextBox, ByVal required As Boolean, ByVal _
    allow_short_format As Boolean, ByVal allow_long_format _
    As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim txt As String

    ' Make sure some format is allowed.
    If Not (allow_short_format Or allow_long_format) Then _

    ' Assume the field is valid.
    ValidatePhoneNumber = False

    ' Allow a blank entry if not required.
    txt = text_box.Text
    If (Not required) And (Len(txt) = 0) Then Exit Function

    ' Check short format.
    If (allow_short_format) And (txt Like "###-####") Then _
        Exit Function

    ' Check long format.
    If (allow_long_format) And (txt Like "(###)###-####") _
        Then Exit Function

    ' The validation fails.
    ' Display an error message.
    If allow_short_format And allow_long_format Then
        MsgBox "Phone number should have format ###-#### or " & _
    ElseIf allow_short_format Then
        MsgBox "Phone number should have format ###-####."
    ElseIf allow_long_format Then
        MsgBox "Phone number should have format " & _
    End If

    ' Set focus to the control.
    text_box.SelStart = 0
    text_box.SelLength = Len(txt)
    ValidatePhoneNumber = True
End Function

' Validate a Zip code. If there is an error,
' tell the user and return True.
Public Function ValidateZip(ByVal text_box As TextBox, _
    ByVal required As Boolean, ByVal allow_short_format As _
    Boolean, ByVal allow_long_format As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim txt As String

    ' Make sure some format is allowed.
    If Not (allow_short_format Or allow_long_format) Then _

    ' Assume the field is valid.
    ValidateZip = False

    ' Allow a blank entry if not required.
    txt = text_box.Text
    If (Not required) And (Len(txt) = 0) Then Exit Function

    ' Check short format.
    If (allow_short_format) And (txt Like "#####") Then _
        Exit Function

    ' Check long format.
    If (allow_long_format) And (txt Like "#####-####") Then _
        Exit Function

    ' The validation fails.
    ' Display an error message.
    If allow_short_format And allow_long_format Then
        MsgBox "Zip code should have format ##### or " & _
    ElseIf allow_short_format Then
        MsgBox "Zip code should have format #####."
    ElseIf allow_long_format Then
        MsgBox "Zip code should have format #####-####."
    End If

    ' Set focus to the control.
    text_box.SelStart = 0
    text_box.SelLength = Len(txt)
    ValidateZip = True
End Function

' Validate a Canadian Postal Code. If there is
' an error, tell the user and return True.
Public Function ValidateCanadianPostalCode(ByVal text_box _
    As TextBox, ByVal required As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim txt As String

    ' Assume the field is valid.
    ValidateCanadianPostalCode = False

    ' Allow a blank entry if not required.
    txt = text_box.Text
    If (Not required) And (Len(txt) = 0) Then Exit Function

    ' Check the format.
    If (UCase$(txt) Like "[A-Z]#[A-Z] #[A-Z]#") Then Exit _

    ' The validation fails.
    ' Display an error message.
    MsgBox "Postal Code should have format A1B 2C3."

    ' Set focus to the control.
    text_box.SelStart = 0
    text_box.SelLength = Len(txt)
    ValidateCanadianPostalCode = True
End Function
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