Title | Make substitutions in a WMF file |
Description | This example shows how to make substitutions in a WMF file in Visual Basic 6. It reads the WMF file as text and replaces token strings in the file with useful strings. |
Keywords | WMF, Windows Metafile |
Categories | Graphics |
The program reads the WMF file. It then uses the Substitute subroutine to replace token strings in the WMF file with useful data values. This example fills in a name and address.
The program then writes the revised WMF data into a temporary file and displays the results.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim txt As String
Dim fnum As Integer
fnum = FreeFile
Open Text1.Text For Binary As fnum
txt = Input(LOF(fnum), #fnum)
Close fnum
' Insert the name.
Substitute txt, _
"$$nom67890123456789012345678901234567890", _
"Rod Stephens"
' Insert the street.
Substitute txt, _
"$$rue6789012345678901234567890", _
"1234 Programmer Way"
' Insert the place, country, and postal code.
Substitute txt, _
"$$pays7890123456789012345678901234567890", _
"Bugville CO 80301, USA"
' Save the new WMF file.
Open "C:\Temp\NewFile.WMF" For Binary As fnum Len = _
Put #fnum, , txt
Close fnum
' Load the WMF file.
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Temp\NewFile.WMF")
End Sub
Subroutine Substitute makes the replacement value the same length as the token. It then replaces the token with the replacement value.
' Replace the token with the value in the string.
Private Sub Substitute(txt As String, ByVal token As _
String, ByVal value As String)
Dim pos As Long
' Make sure the value is not too long.
value = Left$(value, Len(token))
' Make the value the same length as the token.
value = value & Space$(Len(token) - Len(value))
' Make the replacement.
pos = InStr(txt, token)
txt = Left$(txt, pos - 1) & _
value & _
Right$(txt, Len(txt) - (pos + Len(token)) + 1)
End Sub