Other Programming |
Link | Description |
Jabaco | A free object-oriented, threading-enabled VB 6-like language. (If you give it a try, email me your experiences.) |
Customize the Windows Vista Send To Menu | This How-To Geek site article explains how to add items to the SendTo menu in Windows Vista. |
How to Add Items to the "Send To" Menu in Windows XP | This Microsoft article explains how to add items to the SendTo menu in Windows XP. |
ZDnet Australia | Lots of technology-related news, IT business news, reviews, etc. |
DirectoryComputer.com | A hardware and software directory. Tons of links to vendors, FAQs, tips, and so on, although not much on Visual Basic. |
DeviceTools | Tools and resources for connected embedded devices. |
OzGrid Business Applications | Excel add-ins, tips, a newsletter, online and email training. |
Interface Hall of Shame | Sometimes funny examples of poor user interface design. I particularly liked the "Where's Waldo" tabbed dialog with 36 tabs (in the New section right now), and the calendar control (in the Controls section) that required 112 mouse clicks to select a particular date and lets you enter birthdates almost 8000 years in the future.
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest | A Challenges for the latest ACM contest. |
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Archive | An archive of more than 1200 ACM challenges hosted by Universidad de Valladolid. |